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DUP News Update   -   27th September 2019
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Party's position on abortion remains resolute and unchanged

Arlene Foster calling on parties to restore devolution immediately and without precondition
Writing in the Newsletter, Party Leader Arlene Foster reinforced the Party's position on the issue of abortion and our stance on Parliament’s decision to liberalise Northern Ireland’s abortion legislation.

She said, "Our ten MPs opposed the legislation but the larger parties in the House of Commons consider abortion issues to be a matter of conscience and do not enforce a whip on their MPs.  Our MPs were ridiculed both inside and outside Parliament for their pro-life stand.
The Act will not come into force if the Northern Ireland Executive is restored by the 21st October, but for some, this is now being portrayed as a false choice between ‘language or life’.
The phrase is an over-simplification and conveys a belief that if the DUP were to agree to every Sinn Fein demand, including an Irish Language Act, then devolution would be restored immediately and Northern Ireland’s abortion laws would remain unchanged.
It is a mistake to think there is a simple trade-off between the two.
The choice between ‘life or language’ is a false one, predicated on a belief that the restoration of devolution lies only in the hands of the Democratic Unionist Party. That is not the case, but for anyone who takes a pro-life position, it is vital to recognise that the restoration of Stormont would not represent a conclusion to the debate."
Read the full article here

Corbyn's record on support for rule of law challenged

Nigel Dodds MP challenging Jerermy Corbyn's record on supporting the rule of law.
DUP East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell challenged Sinn Fein MP Chris Hazzard to condemn the PIRA, who planted a bomb in the Grand Brighton Hotel in October 1984. It followed reports that the SF MP for South Down was scheduled to speak in the Grand Brighton Hotel at a fringe event during the Labour Party Conference.

Mr Campbell said,

“Five people were murdered and thirty-five injured when the PIRA bombed the Grand Brighton Hotel.  It was a reckless act driven by hatred of the Prime Minister of the day (Margaret Thatcher) and a desire to take innocent life.

Thirty-five years later, can the current MP for South Down condemn unequivocally the actions of the PIRA in 1984, failure to do so only reopens the wounds of that horrendous chapter in the bloody history of the PIRA.

Sinn Fein and Jeremy Corbyn’s continued eulogising of the PIRA sickens many innocent victims and sends a completely mixed message to the republican terrorists of 2019.”

Nigel Dodds MP also challenged Jeremy Corbyn's track record on support for the rule of law. It followed comments from the Labour Leader on the ruling this week from the Supreme Court.

In the House of Commons Nigel Dodds said "There will be many people, not least the families of senior judges who were murdered in Northern Ireland who will wish that the Leader of the Opposition when he supported a terrorist organisation that murdered judges, had really put those words into action much, much earlier in his career. When we talk about respect for the rule of law, it should have been respect for the rule of law during the decades of the Troubles in Northern Ireland."

A “Shared Future” without the voice of the unionist community

Diane Dodds MEP challenging the lack of balance at a European Parliament 'shared future' event.
Diane Dodds MEP spoke out on the lack of balance of a Shared Future and anti-brexit debate held today in the European Parliament in Brussels. The event was billed as a chance for the real voices of Northern Ireland to be heard however, the panel did not seem to include the voice of the unionist community from Northern Ireland. 

Mrs Dodds attended as a member of the audience alongside other MEPs and was given the opportunity to address the event. 

Speaking after the event Diane said:

“This event had two different titles. It was an anti-Brexit event and of course that it perfectly valid in a parliament where we debate the most diverse subjects imaginable. It was also billed as a Shared Future event. If the intent was to promote a Shared Future in the British Isles context then that is fine too.
Many watching from home will have been perturbed that the Shared Future theme does not extend to Northern Ireland.  There was no input from the Unionist community within the organising panel of this event. 

If the “real voices” of Northern Ireland are to be heard, that must include those of the unionist community in Northern Ireland who have equal right to be heard. This was not the case.

I was perturbed to find on social media that my presence here was used as a fig leaf for balance as a token unionist and leave voter.  In over ten years as a member of this Parliament this is the first time that my agreement to attend a public event has been used by the event organiser to make a point.

We all agree that an orderly Withdrawal of the UK from the EU is preferable. I am on record over the last 3 years as supporting this. But the barrier to a withdrawal agreement has been identified as the backstop, a backstop that, according to a recent poll, does not have the support of 81% of unionists. A statistic that seemed to be completely ignored today.

So let’s be clear neither I, nor the tens of thousands of people across Northern Ireland who voted for me, are anyone’s token. We are real people with voices that must be heard with equal importance.”

Wrightbus announcement a 'body blow' to NI manufacturing

DUP representatives have expressed support for staff impacted by the announcement that Wrightbus in Ballymena has been placed into administration.

Local MP Ian Paisley said,

"This is a terrible time for the employees and their families. All 1500 of them deserve our support. The supply chain workers also face troubling times.

The company had been working very hard to conclude a sale but difficult decisions need to be made and time has run out.

I have met with the trade unions and discussed the situation with them. I have spoken to management and employees and some families also.

In Parliament, I will meet with the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State to discuss the next part of this process."

North Antrim MLA Mervyn Storey said,

"This announcement is a further body blow to Northern Ireland’s manufacturing sector. Wright’s played an integral part in the local economy of North Antrim in particular and Northern Ireland in general.

I am also greatly concerned at the effect this announcement will have on many other companies who have over many years worked in partnership with Wright’s and have been dependent on that relationship.

Clearly questions has to be asked as to how the company has arrived at this sad situation, however today should be about the staff and all effected.

I hope that a resolution can be quickly found, so there is a future for a company that has played such an important part in so many peoples lives for many years."

C&S making a difference in healthcare transformation

DUP health spokesperson and Foyle MLA Gary Middleton has welcomed extra funding for GPs as a direct result as our Confidence and Supply Agreement. 
Mr Middleton said, “Our Confidence and Supply Agreement is making a difference. It has been delivered to make a positive impact on our hospitals, schools and infrastructure. This announcement shows the importance of this money. 
This funding of over £27million is helping to reduce pressure on our health service, whilst allowing GP practices to be able to transform healthcare. If it were not for the extra funding as a result of Confidence and Supply, it may have been difficult for any of these vital projects to have been rolled out. Projects such as the ongoing roll out of multi-disciplinary team benefiting from £11.1milion, the £2.19million being allocated to the Practice Based Pharmacist scheme and the £2.5million which is to be used to address demography and other pressures in our GP surgeries. This money is drawn down from the £200million transformation fund secured through C&S. 
Let’s quash the myth that Confidence and Supply isn’t making an impact to people in Northern Ireland. It represents real investment, in real lives. What we need to have is a Minister in place dealing with other crucial matters relating to our health service. It’s time SF ends their boycott and work on behalf of the people who elected them.”
Diary Page

Dates for your Diary

  • Annual Party Conference - 25th & 26th October - Crowne Plaza Hotel, Shaws Bridge Belfast.
  • Mid Ulster Association - 'Tour de Carntogher' 15 mile cycle run - Saturday 5th October
  • Mid Ulster Association - Quiz Night - Friday 22nd October, 8pm in Coagh Orange Hall.

For more information or to express interest in events where not otherwise indicated, please email [email protected]
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