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National Secular Society


Welcome to your monthly No More Faith Schools campaign update. This month we've been continuing to support residents of Peterborough angry over the imposition of a new discriminatory faith school. You can find out more about this and all our local campaigns on the website.

Since our last update I have been continuing my programme of talks around the country. This month, I am speaking to Windsor Humanists on Tuesday 9th and to Coventry and Warwickshire Humanists on Wednesday 17th. Talks being online mean that more people can attend, even if they don't have an active local group. But I'm keen to organise more events when it's safe to do so in person.

This month we're highlighting some past testimonials. As always, we're grateful to everyone who's shared their story with us. These help humanise people the impact of faith schools and stop the normalisation of their harms.

Best wishes,

Alastair Lichten
NMFS campaign coordinator

P.S. If you want to get more involved in the campaign check out the ideas in 20 ways you can support an end to faith schools today


Latest from the campaign


Don’t let new Catholic school discriminate in admissions, warns NMFS

The NMFS campaign has raised the concerns of parents in Peterborough over plans to allow discriminatory admissions at a new faith school.


Mother has to send three children to separate schools due to religious discrimination

A mother must send her three children to different schools due to discriminatory faith school admissions policies, a complaint has shown.




Governor’s perspective: How faith schools prioritise religion over education

Matthew is the governor at a Church of England school in Cornwall. He says those running the school have made it a priority... Read More »


Discriminatory faith schools make it harder to find a school place

A parent from Harpenden in Hertfordshire on the difficulty facing non-religious families trying to find a school place.

When... Read More »

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