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A Christian actress who was dropped from a play for posting alleged homophobic remarks online would have refused the role if she'd known the character was
gay, a tribunal has heard.
Peers have inflicted a crushing defeat on the government over its approach to China's human rights record by voting for a second time to amend a trade bill
and give British courts a role in determining whether a country is committing genocide.
A Christian nurse was reportedly tied up, stripped and tortured by a mob inside a hospital in Pakistan after a Muslim colleague falsely accused her of
The public supports it, LGBT people need it, and it advances the civil rights promise that people should not be treated as inferior solely because of who
they are.
A town in Poland has become the first in the country to reverse a decision to become an "LGBT+ free zone", amid international outcry at the nearly 100
municipalities in the country that have issued such resolutions.
Theocratic demands for censorship in India and Pakistan reflect attempts to grab power which undermine everyone's religious freedom, says Megan Manson.
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