February 02, 2021 John,
Yesterday, Senators Cory Booker, Ron Wyden, and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer released a joint statement declaring their intention to release a draft discussion bill outlining how best to legalize and regulate cannabis and cannabis commerce in a post-prohibition America.
Is this a big deal? You bet it is!
This marks the first time we have seen a coalition of Senate leaders publicly announce their intent to introduce and move legislation in the Upper Chamber that seeks to end federal cannabis prohibition.
Will your Senators be working with them to end this failed policy? You tell us.
Send an email to your Senators right now telling them to work with these leaders and commit to repealing the failed and cruel policy of marijuana prohibition. Then forward any responses you receive to us at [email protected].
This is a uniquely powerful Senate coalition. Here’s why:
Senator Booker sits on the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee and is the leading voice for the advancement of criminal justice reform issues;
Senator Wyden will head the powerful Senate Finance Committee -- one of the primary committees of jurisdiction over this effort;
Senator Schumer is the leader of the US Senate and, as such, he sets the legislative priorities and agenda for the Upper Chamber.
But the way the Senate Rules work, every single Senator has a great amount of influence in the Chamber. That is why we need to make sure that every single member who could be willing to vote YES on this legislation hears from people like you early and often.
So send your Senators a message RIGHT NOW and let’s get to work.
And don’t forget to forward their responses to [email protected].
Thanks for all you do,
The NORML Team
P.S. If you’re in a position to do so, we’d really appreciate your support.
Sign up to become a sustaining NORML member by chipping in 5, 10, 20 bucks or more a month so we can continue to grow our efforts.