Dear John,
The past month has been full of twists and turns, and despite some of the recent events, we’ve had some great wins to celebrate. We flipped TWO of Georgia’s Senate seats, inaugurated President Biden, and helped make his first weeks in office a success.
I’m so glad to have people like you fighting right alongside me, every step of the way. These wins aren’t possible without your support, and I’m grateful that we’re all in this together.
Your generosity keeps my campaign going. In order to keep Georgia blue, it’s important that we keep voters engaged and also fight back against Republican lies and smears.
I’m humbly asking you to make a donation here today so we can continue powering our movement. You make this all possible, and I appreciate all the help and support I can get. Make a contribution today so we can keep up our wins:
Thank you so much,
Congressman Hank Johnson