
I didn’t get into politics for power, fame, or money — I ran for office because I saw that our government didn’t work for everyday people like me. As an optimist, I knew we could do better.

Folks like you joined our movement because you believed we could do better too. I’m so grateful for your support that helped me win our competitive race and I’m honored by the trust this team has placed in me to represent Colorado in Washington.

Now I’m ready for the challenging next step: Bringing about the change that each and every one of us fought so hard for.

I want to make sure Washington is working for you and the best way I can do that is by listening to your thoughts, ideas, and concerns — that’s why I’m hoping you will share them with me today.

Will you take a minute (two, tops!) to let me know what issues matter most to you right now? It’s important to me that I get your feedback so we can set our agenda for the weeks and months ahead.

Take survey

Thanks for sharing your thoughts — it means the world to me.

— John