Team —

With President Biden in the White House and Democrats now leading the Senate, I can assure you: our number one priority is ending the coronavirus pandemic and the harm it’s caused our communities.

That doesn’t just mean stopping the spread of this deadly virus: it also means providing the economic relief that working families deserve and have been asking for, that Mitch McConnell refused to deliver, and building back better than before.

Now, with the Senate gavel in Democrats’ hands, we’re not only fighting for additional stimulus checks of $1,400 and $130 billion to help our children’s schools safely reopen — we’re working to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.

The federal minimum wage of $7.25 hasn’t been increased in over a decade. It’s far past time workers were given a raise in this country, especially after the past year of unprecedented challenges forced upon our essential workers like nurses and other health care providers, truck drivers who deliver our food and supplies, grocery store employees, maintenance staff, cleaning crews, and so many others we rely on.

In the short term, raising the minimum wage will help put more money into workers’ pockets during this economic crisis. In the long term, it’s a crucial step in our fight to reduce income inequality and lift up working families.

If you think it’s time we raise the minimum wage and pass additional pandemic relief, add your name alongside mine to show your support for President Biden and Senate Democrats’ relief bill now:


Thank you for adding your voice to this fight. I’m confident that with your support, we’ll get this much-needed relief and higher wages into the hands of Americans soon.

— Cory