Jobless claims are surging, COVID cases remain extremely high, and vaccinations have lagged behind the pace we need to stop the spread of this virus. This moment demands big, bold action. We must meet it.

President Biden’s proposed $1.9 trillion stimulus package, called the American Rescue Plan, provides the dramatic boost we need right now to speed up vaccinations, stop the spread of the virus, and get people back on their feet.

The risk we face is in not going big enough, fast enough — right now.

That’s why we need to build as much public support for the American Rescue Plan as possible and pass it right away. Add your name to call for the urgent passage of the American Rescue Plan >>

This package provides the critical funding needed for vaccinations, sets up federal vaccination sites, includes extended unemployment benefits, raises the minimum wage to $15 per hour, and delivers $1,400 stimulus checks to Americans across the country.

That’s real relief that can be put to work right away.

If we go too small, or wait too long to get relief into the hands of the American people, we run the risk of letting the pandemic and its devastating effects last even longer. That’s not an outcome we can afford.

Add your name to demand the urgent passage of the American Rescue Plan >>

Thank you for adding your voice to this fight. We have to do everything we can to end this pandemic and get the American people back on their feet as soon as possible.
