We must make sure our students are not prevented from getting an education by giving every parent an option to send their children to school 5 days a

I sent a letter to President Biden to express my concern about statements made by his Administration on opening schools. Did you see it?

There is overwhelming scientific consensus that it's not only safe to re-open schools, it's necessary for many of our most vulnerable children.

Take a look at this article from WMBF News:

McMaster urges Biden to reject statements made by Chief of Staff

I am fighting to make sure South Carolina children are best served by our state. Students should not be prevented from getting an education. Parents should not be forced to choose between their job and their children.

John, I hope you're with me.

Yours very truly,

Henry McMaster
Governor of South Carolina

P.S. I am going to need the support of conservative patriots like you during this critical re-election campaign. Can I count on you to chip in $5 or even $25 today?

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