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In my last email, I outlined why I decided to run—we are facing existential problems in this country, and we need big solutions to solve them.

The biggest solution is what I am most known for proposing—The Freedom Dividend, $1,000 a month for every American adult, free and clear, no strings attached.

And Yang addresses a group of Iowans at a local cafe

To some, this might sound far-fetched or too good to be true.  The good news is that, as you can imagine, I’ve done my homework and run the numbers, and I wanted to break down for you why the Freedom Dividend is our best way forward:

  1. The Freedom Dividend is deeply American.

    At the founding of our country, Thomas Paine supported a Universal Basic Income.  Since then, Milton Friedman, Martin Luther King, Jr., Richard Nixon, and, more recently, Barack Obama, Elon Musk, and Tony Robbins have all been in support of the idea.  In fact, a basic income passed the House of Representatives—twice—in 1971, before stalling in the Senate because the Democrats wanted a higher income.  Additionally, Alaska has had a universal income for nearly 40 years, where residents receive between $1,000 to $2,000 a year—and it’s wildly popular in a conservative state.
  2. We can afford it.

    Our economy has grown to $20 trillion, up $5 trillion in the last 12 years alone.  By creating a Value Added Tax at half the European level, we could easily pay for this.  No shareholders ever complain when a company declares a dividend.  This is a dividend for the American people, as the shareholders of our prosperous nation.
  3. The Freedom Dividend would create millions of jobs.

    With everyone in your community getting $1,000 a month, people would have more money to spend at local businesses, and these businesses would then create thousands of new jobs.  We know what people would spend this money on—car repairs, tutoring for their kids, health care bills, the occasional night out, home repairs.  This would rebuild main streets across the country, creating economic opportunity outside of a few cities on the coasts and giving our children a reason to stay.  The Freedom Dividend would be the greatest catalyst for entrepreneurship in the history of the world.
  4. It would help marginalized communities.

    Women do the majority of unpaid labor in this country while also failing to receive equal pay for equal work at many institutions.  Because of this, they often lack the economic freedom to walk away from abusive relationships or workplaces.  Black families have a median net worth under $18k; Hispanic families have a median net worth of slightly over $20k.  Members of these communities also often lack access to family savings, financial institutions, and financial education because of a lack of availability in their areas or outright exclusion.  In the LGBTQ+ community, healthcare costs for their unique needs often come out of pocket. Additionally, many lose access to family support when they reveal their gender identity or sexual orientation, and this group is overrepresented in foster homes and homeless shelters.  For all these Americans, the Freedom Dividend could make a life-saving difference or allow them to create economic opportunities for their families and communities.  They could escape bad situations, pay down debt, and start to save and invest in their futures.
  5. It would eliminate the financial insecurity that has swept this country.

    40% of Americans cannot afford an unexpected $400 bill right now, and millions of Americans who work full-time—often at two jobs—can’t make ends meet.  It is impossible to expect someone struggling to survive today to worry about our greatest threats such as climate change or AI.  $1,000 a month would transform the lives and mentalities of millions of Americans.  It would give everyone a secure sense of the future, and reverse the mindset of scarcity that has overcome so many of our friends, replacing it with a mindset of abundance and possibility.

The Freedom Dividend will show that we believe in people, by investing in people.

If you believe the case for the Freedom Dividend should reach the American people, please donate just $10 to the campaign today.

Then, join our Slack Channel by clicking here to work with our volunteer coordinators to get information on spreading the word of this campaign to your community.

Your fellow Patriot,

Andrew Yang's Signature


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New York, NY 

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