Ever-changing rules are a bad sign.
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It seems like the "official word" changes every five minutes these days. Constantly changing numbers and stats make it difficult to discern truth from fiction. In this essay, Joanna asks, how do we adapt when the rules are always changing?

LINK: https://www.theorganicprepper.com/adapt-rules-change/

We need to return to the basics and ask ourselves some elementary questions: What does it mean to be a good person? How can we struggle outwardly for survival and inwardly be at peace with ourselves? How do we handle financial hardship without seeing ourselves as failures?  Let's discuss these questions in the comments.


Making your own fermented sauerkraut is inexpensive, probiotic-rich, and super-easy. It's a delicious side dish and great on sandwiches, too!

LINK: https://thefrugalite.com/how-to-make-frugal-fermented-sauerkraut/

From the Archives

There's a lot of fear out there about events over which the average person has no control. It's far more productive to focus on what you CAN control.

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Cleaning without running water is much easier with a few simple additions to your emergency stockpile. Here's what you need to have on hand.

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