Dear Ward 8 Residents,
On Friday, January 31st, I called on Mayor Muriel Bowser to declare a State of Emergency for the record number of crime and the violence in the District. I also called on the community at-large to change the direction of our city by participating in the development of a strategic plan that will address the various aspects that impact public safety including:
- Education
- Youth Engagement
- Housing
- Recreation
- Employment
Over the course of the next 3 months my office will host several facilitated engagement sessions. To combat this violence epidemic, I need the participation of our youth, police, the Council, the Mayor's office, seniors, specific neighborhoods, ANCs, nonprofits, government agencies, and other stakeholders to curate this plan.
Join me this is the budget meeting. This is a call to action. We are burying our children. Let's end it. Sign up now:

Trayon White, Sr.