Our billboards in Texas and Missouri holding Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley accountable for voting against democracy almost got censored -- after thousands of PCCC members donated to put them up.
Clear Channel Outdoor, one of the biggest billboard companies in the world, refused to take our ads -- calling them "negative." As recently as 2019, Clear Channel was part of the same corporation that gives Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin a huge talk-radio platform.
We're not letting right-wing corporations protect Cruz and Hawley. We found another company, put the billboards up, and now want to EXPAND them in Texas and Missouri to show that accountability will not be silenced!
Don't let right-wing corporations protect Cruz and Hawley. Donate to EXPAND our ad buy in TX and MO this week -- and show we will not back down. Click here!
Giant corporations siding with politicians who incited a deadly coup and voted to overturn the results of the democratic election -- that's what is negative! Not calling the traitors out.
Chip in to expand our billboards in Texas and Missouri -- with a different company that will run them! Show Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and right-wing media that accountability is coming.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- The PCCC Elections Team (@BoldProgressive)