
On Saturday, in addition to passing our bold climate action plan, the County Board took action on the other biggest issue that I believe we face as a community and as a nation: equity. In light of this week's national news, our need to act on equity, and this President's racist comments and actions since he took office, I ask that you join me in 3 days in helping change Virginia for racial and economic equity.

Read below from Matthew Desmond and enroll in the work by coming to Mary Hynes house on Sunday or donating what you can via the Wendy Gooditis link below.  
Chair Christian Dorsey speaks on the Equity Resolution while Board Member Katie Cristol listens in.
Our action Saturday was an important step forward that recognizes that Arlington has achieved success in attaining strond residential and commercial neighborhoods with engaged citizens and a sustainable community, but not all have benefitted or thrived. Essentially, that disparities exist and that we have a responsibility to work to address them.  
Read More About Arlington's Equity Resolution
I am glad that we took this initial step, but acutely aware that our work on equity will take much more sustained leadership to make a difference on this issue that was at the heart of why I ran last year. In the course of the discussion on Saturday, the more than 4,000 children in Arlington who are food insecure came up. And I mentioned Matthew Desmond's devastating indictment of the historic link between American capitalism and racism. Please take a look at Mr. Desmond's piece.
Read Matthew Desmond on Capitalism and Racism in America
Arlington can act to move toward a future that is different from the history Mr. Desmond lays bare.  I can act on equity through leadership on the Board. I have and will do so by considering equity, every day I have the honor of serving. I also will step forward in light of this resolution: before Thanksgiving look for action from me with a direct link to equity. Not a panacea, but action by then from me and us. 

I need you to help on equity, though. Specifically, I need you to help me today or by Sunday. Because Virginia's version of capitalism and equity are at stake in the leaders we chose in 39 days. 
Act to help Wendy Gooditis because she is part of the solution on equity. I hear it in how she says she owes her brother relentless commitment to health care for all after he could not get the care he needed for PTSD. And I know it from meeting and talking with her. 
Donate or come by clicking here: Event for Wendy Gooditis at Mary Hynes this Coming Sunday: 3 days
I see Wendy's commitment to equity in how she voted, when her opponent did not, for more than 300,000 Virginians to have health care.

Those Virginians and our shared values need you now. Why? Because I am crying as I write this in hopes of an Arlington, leads the fight for a fairer, more progressive America. Because I and you love this country and want a government that is as good as the people in it. 

Because Equity and the American Dream are at stake in 39 days. Because we cannot control what this President does. Because the only thing we can control before November 6th, is making a statement on November 5th that Virginia will lead the change that we must bring to America. 

With as full a heart for equity and action as I can imagine, 

Matt for Arlington
Matt for County Board
Authorized by Matt for Arlington

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