Voting rights are under attack, help us fight back.


As Black History Month kicks off today, it's vital that we remember what it took for Black Americans to gain the right to vote, and recognize that the freedom to exercise that right is under attack every day.

For months, the most extreme Republicans in Lansing and Washington backed Trump's baseless claims of voter fraud. They asked Congress to reject Michigan's electors and disenfranchise voters of color in cities like Detroit.

Now that Trump lost the presidency, those same Republicans are doubling down on their efforts to make it harder to vote — from illegal voter purges to voter ID laws and restrictions on vote by mail.

That's why one of the first pieces of legislation introduced in this Congress was the For the People Act: a set of reforms to expand voting rights and strengthen our democracy by fighting voter suppression, gerrymandering, dark money, and more.

It's up to all of us to stand up and demand the democracy that we deserve. Add your name to become a citizen co-sponsor of the For the People Act and urge Congress to pass it ASAP.

While we reflect on Black History Month, we must be united in our efforts to fight systematic voter suppression so that the right to vote is guaranteed for all.

Thank you for adding your voice to this fight,

Lavora Barnes
Chair, Michigan Democratic Party


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Paid for by the Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 606 Townsend St., Lansing, MI 48933, Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate committee.
This email was sent by Michigan Dems, Building a Stronger Michigan

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