In “1984,” George Orwell imagined a world in which people would engage in “DoubleThink,” the act of holding two contradictory thoughts at the same time and believing them both to be true. The practice was to...

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Nancy Sinatra Consumed By Hate, Will 'Never Forgive' Trump Voters

By Sergie Daez | Feb 01, 2021

Nancy Sinatra is just one of numerous examples that prove that Biden supporters, in spite of what they profess, are not interested in seeking unity.According to The Hill, the daughter of the famous singer Frank...

Video Shatters Rep. Cori Bush’s Claim That 'Unsafe' GOP Rep. Greene 'Berated' Her In the Capitol

By P. Gardner Goldsmith | Feb 01, 2021

With the ubiquity of cell phone cams and live-streaming, it’s becoming easier and easier to expose political attempts to manipulate people and shade the truth. And America got to see precisely that played out in...

Biden Order Reverses Trump Position, Shovels Millions In Taxpayer Cash To Planned Parenthood, And A 'Minister' Cheers

By P. Gardner Goldsmith | Feb 01, 2021

Last Thursday Joe Biden reversed Donald Trump’s ban on “Title Ten” (of the 1970 Family Planning Services and Public Research Act) taxpayer funding to American offices of Planned Parenthood, and he rescinded Trump’s ban on...

Media Claims Biden Orders Will Protect Us From Space Aliens & Climate Change

By Eric Scheiner | Jan 29, 2021

In this week's Wacky Moments of Leftist Extremism:The leftist media used to call Trump's executive orders authoritarian- but now, their guy is in office so these orders are wonderful things that will save us from space aliens...

Over a Dozen Arrested After Anarchist Group Refuses to Leave a Washington Hotel

By Connor Grant | Feb 01, 2021

At Least 12 people were arrested on Sunday following a protest in which members of an Antifa-linked anarchist group, Oly Housing Now (OHN), refused to leave a hotel in a protest for permanent housing for the...

Oregon Mayor: Portland ‘Is A Culture of Criminality’

By Eric Scheiner | Feb 01, 2021

Mayor Stan Pulliam of Sandy, Ore., says the neighboring city of Portland’s "culture of criminality has got to stop.”Pulliam made the comments during an appearance on Fox News on Monday."This is defund the police. This is a...

Twitter Trolled Dems With Maxine Waters' Own Quote Calling For Violence Against Trump - and Liberals LOST IT

By Brittany M. Hughes | Feb 01, 2021

Democrats just got trolled, and the hypocrisy it exposed would be hilarious…if it weren’t so awful.To tell this story, we have to back up a minute and recall how Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who hails...


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