John —

In 2020, grassroots Democrats like you worked incredibly hard to turn out a record number of voters and fight back against Mitch McConnell and the Republican voter suppression machine.

All of your donations, support, and activism helped elect President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to the White House, flip the Senate, and keep the House in Democratic control.

However, our work is far from over.

This year, we’ll face many of the same challenges from the right-wing attack network. Republicans are already filing new lawsuits in an attempt to disenfranchise voters! So, we must continue the movement we started to protect our fundamental right.

The best way to fight voter suppression? Stay informed.

The only way we can protect voting rights is to be vigilant. That’s where Democracy Docket comes in.

Democracy Docket is the leading platform dedicated to fighting voter suppression across the country. Led by Democratic voting rights lawyer Marc Elias, Democracy Docket is the knowledge center you need to follow to stay informed on all of the Republicans’ attacks on democracy.

To receive the latest case alerts and voting rights news, sign up now to receive Democracy Docket’s exclusive email updates.

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— Team SMP