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Monday, February 1st, 2021

The Covid-19 Coronavirus Gullibility Test

What Government Is Asking Americans To Believe and What the Lockdowns Are Uncovering. Bill Sardi

Did the Chinese Invent Money?

Preface to the Chinese Edition of Money: Sound and Unsound. Joseph T. Salerno

Here it is – The Bill To Destroy Gun Ownership

Martin Armstrong

Game Over

Kevin Duffy

There Is No Pandemic

A British View of the Imposture. Nick Kollerstrom

A Tale of 2 Januarys

YouTube Video

The Stock Market, Fatally Wounded by the Truth, Will Stumble and Crash

Charles Hugh Smith

The Billionaire Takeover of Civil Society

Wealthy ‘progressives’ are shaping our lives through a dense web of interconnected NGOs. Roslyn Fuller

Russia’s President Putin Warns That Censorship Is Killing American Democracy

Paul Craig Roberts

Martha My Dear

Taki Theodoracopulos

The Life and Times of Victor Davis Hanson

Jesse Russell

Medical Doctor Warns that ‘Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise’ From Mask Wearing

John C. A. Manley

LRC Blog

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