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Palm Beach Conducting Legal Review of Trump’s Residency at Mar-a-Lago
There's an evil madness afoot. America is unrecognizable.

Palm Beach Conducting Legal Review of Trump’s Residency at Mar-a-Lago

The harassment of Trump never ends.

The city of Palm Beach, Florida is conducting a legal review of Donald ...

Beijing ☭ Biden’s New State Dept Spox: ‘Largest Threat to U.S. National Security are U.S. COPS’
While Democrats dismantle/defiund our police, Dem. leader Pelosi is demanding private army for Congress…

State Dept Spox: ‘Largest Threat to U.S. National Security are U.S. Cops’

Jalina Porter said in a 2016 Facebook post that police ...

Media Company Files Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google, Facebook
Brilliant. It should be a class action suit including every conservative news site who have bee systematically destroy — deprived of our traffic and ad revenue by these tech tyrants.

Make no mistake, if the media darlings of tech (ie The NY ...

‘Palestinian’ Authority praises Munich massacre as a ‘quality operation’
This is not a surprise. Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas helped plan the Munich massacre, and raised the funds to carry out the operation. It is disgusting that our tax dollars will now be funding this neo-Nazi terrorist organization. In a ...

Antifa gunman who KILLED Trump supporter shown with son brandishing a baseball bat outside of Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s condo a day before cold-blooded killing
Democrats support and incite left-wing violence but opposition voices and dissidents are thisclose to prison. Why wasn't he arrested at the Mayor's condo?

Photo:According to 'Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy', a new ...

Why Haven’t the 9/11 Jihad Plotters Been Tried Yet?
The New York Times reported Thursday that “the Pentagon has decided to offer coronavirus vaccines to detainees at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, possibly starting next week, according to a prosecutor in the case against five prisoners accused of ...

Palestinians Opposed to Abbas Have Their Salaries Cut, Threaten to Ask EU To Stop Aid
When President-for-Life Mahmoud Abbas finds out that some Palestinians are not pleased with his rule, and support his archrival Mahmoud Dahlan, a former Fatah official now in exile in the U.A.E., he knows just what to do: he cuts their salaries so ...

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