Things that are good make our brains do a happy dance which will lead to us wanting more of those things and I, for one, promote this kind of lifestyle. Now, orgasms are no different. We can have a so-so orgasm, or we can experience a full-bodied orgasm that can leave us speechless and like we can’t blink for a solid two minutes as we replay the deliciousness in our minds.
Think of it this way: If there was something he really wanted you to do in the bedroom, or in life, to improve your relationship, I guarantee you’d want him to speak up about it.
Squirting is like the Moby Dick of female arousal. It’s elusive, no one is actually sure if it’s real, and you can drive yourself mad trying to understand it.
Money doesn’t buy happiness (there are a shit-ton of really unhappy rich people), but damn, does it make life easier. Once you have the peace of mind that your electricity won’t get shut off and your car won’t be repossessed because you finally made a payment, you can breathe a little bit.
Confession #25810554 I feel worthless, poor, stuck, and lonely. I wish the universe would cut me a fucking break already.
#25813096 "I regret not having my own money & bank account. I work part time, but it doesn't bring in much. H supports us & even though I manage the $ & pay the bills, I feel trapped. I wish I had a career."
#25813260 "My husband won’t stop spending all of the money. Anytime we get any “extra” he immediately spends it all. I’m losing my mind because I’d like to be able to breathe a little bit and not be stressed about bills constantly and to have a savings."