John -
Good afternoon and welcome to our Weekend Update on a snow-covered
Sunday and likely Monday. If driving, of course, please be careful. Do
get out and enjoy the snow. Pull the kids or grandkids along on the
sled and enjoy some beautiful Pennsylvania winter weather.
I began the week with my monthly appearance with RJ Harris on
WHP-580. Click
here to listen to my interview. We discussed the alarming number
of far-left executive orders that have been signed by President Joe
Biden. To date, Biden has signed dozens of executive actions— focused
on killing energy jobs, opening our borders, reinstating failed
provisions from Obamacare and more. While President Biden has talked a
lot about “unity” and working with both sides of the aisle, his
executive orders have been mostly focused on the desires and interests
of the extreme left.
I conducted an interview on Newsmax TV about President Biden’s
anti-energy executive orders and particularly his action to kill the
Keystone pipeline. With a stroke of a pen, President Biden killed over
10,000 jobs, long-term, high-paying jobs and one of the most
environmentally friendly projects when it comes to natural gas and
Meanwhile, they speak of "green" replacement jobs but that is
nothing more than a future aspiration. Why kill today's jobs for
aspirational "green" jobs in the future? It makes no sense and it is a
cave to special interests at the sake of today's workers. The
private-sector marketplace has driven energy efficiency and green
energies over the last few years far better than the heavy hand of
government ever will. We need to create an environment for business
competitiveness and they will make the investments along with social
trends and what's best for their business, employees and customers'
interests. Many of these companies are choosing more efficient and
greener energies. It's not a bad thing as long as it is not subsidized
by the government and is market-driven.
Additionally, Biden’s order to ban fracking on federal lands is
damaging to the industry and our nation’s energy independence. Click
here to watch my interview on Newsmax television.

The NRCC released a video regarding President Biden and the House
Democrats' enactment of their job-killing policy agenda and its impact
on our nation’s energy independence as well as the loss of thousands
of family-sustaining jobs, including 8,000 union jobs. Click
here or below to watch the video.

The Biden Administration’s assault on American jobs has begun…
Killing American Energy Jobs
- President Biden directed federal
agencies to determine how expansive a ban on new oil and gas leasing
on federal land should be, the first step in implementing his proposed
- Biden’s ban would kill
nearly a million jobs by 2022.
- This is in addition to President Biden’s previous order canceling the
Keystone XL pipeline.
- On President Biden’s very first day in office, be began the
30-day process to rejoin the ineffective Paris Climate
Worse yet… Biden Administration Officials View These
Workers As Dispensable, Defending Job Losses They Consider Necessary
- Biden’s Energy Secretary nominee Jennifer Granholm conceded that
there are “jobs that might be sacrificed” because of Biden’s climate
- Biden’s Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John Kerry, dismissed concerns
about job losses saying, it’s “what needs to be done.”
Biden’s Extreme Energy Agenda Is Just The Beginning... Tax
Hikes And His Plans For The U.S. Economy Will Likely Cost Americans
- Joe Biden’s tax
plan would hike taxes on job creators, raise the corporate tax
rate, hike capital gains tax and increase payroll taxes.
- As a result, U.S. GDP growth would be cut in half and more than 500,000 Americans
would lose their jobs.
- The plan would “would reduce
after-tax incomes by around 2.6% across all income groups over the
long run,” and low and middle-income earners would see a
President Biden has signed a record number of executive orders,
actions and memorandums in his first week, 35 and counting. This is
the same President Biden, who recently equated the use of executed
orders to the actions of a dictator. I suppose that was "malarky."
Once again, the media refuses to point out this complete contradiction
in such a short period of time.
The overuse of executive orders and President Biden's reluctance to
push policy changes through the legislative process, despite the fact
Democrats control the U.S. Senate and U.S. House, proves that even the
Democrats are skeptical of his insistence on pushing a left-wing
agenda on immigration and his declaration of war on the energy
There is perhaps nothing more important to the nation than getting
vaccinations distributed in a timely manner. I stopped by the Lebanon
VA Medical Center to meet and tour the facility with the Director of
the Lebanon VA Medical Center. It was a pleasure to have the
opportunity to speak with several of our local heroes who received the
Covid-19 vaccine at the clinic.

Thank you and please be safe and continue to monitor the weather
and road conditions,
