Our name is changing. Our commitment to public lands and the environment is not.

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Since our founding in 2013, Western Values Project has worked tirelessly to advocate for the protection of public lands, the preservation of our wildlife and natural resources, and for prompt action on climate change. And we’re not stopping anytime soon -- but we’ll look a little different.

The past four years unleashed an assault on our environment unlike any we’d ever seen. Under the Trump administration's culture of corruption, fossil fuel lobbyists were elevated to environmental positions within the Cabinet, science was questioned and sidelined, and public lands were raided for the benefit of for-profit corporations.

Now, the Biden administration has committed to reversing Trump’s damaging legacy. President Biden has promised to strengthen public lands protections, address environmental injustices, and get America on the path to carbon-neutrality by 2035 -- but he can’t do it alone. Our work will continue to focus on holding Congress, this administration, and policymakers accountable to their commitments -- and we'll hold special interests accountable if they work to obstruct needed progress.

But if there’s one thing the Trump administration’s trail of wreckage reveals, it’s that the conservation of public lands, protection of wildlife, and pursuit of environmental justice are not just Western issues. They’re American issues.

Our organization will always be dedicated to protecting public lands and the environment, providing public research, exposing corruption and malfeasance at all levels of government, and holding policymakers and special interests accountable. But to reflect the broader significance of our work, we’re integrating with Accountable.US and will be keeping you up-to-date on energy and environment news under Accountable.

We will still be based in Helena, Montana, and our hearts will always be in the West -- the home of the dramatic landscapes and unique wildlife that made us fall in love with this work. But our efforts will grow and integrate our work across the Accountable.US umbrella to help bring threads of corruption to light in multiple sectors. All too often, the same funding sources are behind multiple avenues of corruption.

We’re excited to continue to work with you in our efforts to strengthen our public lands, address climate change, fight for environmental justice, and expose corruption. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to make sure you stay up to date with our work to hold special interests accountable.

Jayson O’Neill

Paid for by Accountable.US

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