Your January 2021 Wildlife Online Newsletter


Happy New Year! 2020 was an especially difficult year for so many reasons. Still, with the passionate support of our conversation team, there were some extraordinary wins for people and wildlife, as you can read about in the first article below. There’s a lot of hard work ahead of us, but we’re excited and hopeful about the opportunities our programs can create to help people and wildlife in 2021. Thank you for your continued support.

The National Wildlife Federation Membership Team

Nine Wildlife Wins in 2020

With your help, the National Wildlife Federation and its affiliates were successful in advocating for significant protections for wildlife and wildlife habitat. Here are just some of the big wins that happened:

  1. Passage of the Great American Outdoors Act
  2. Piping plover and other wildlife no longer imperiled by Great Lakes pipeline
  3. Recovering Western monarch butterflies in California

Read about even more wins for wildlife in 2020!


Quiz: Which Iconic Winter Animal Are You?

Brrr! It’s cold outside! Winter brings changes for everyone, but especially for wildlife. Some go into hibernation, while others change their coats and rough it out in the icy weather. Answer these questions to find out which iconic winter animal you are!

Take the Quiz!


Five High-Impact Conservation Solutions for 2021

2021 is the moment to embrace the bold, brave solutions we need. Here are the National Wildlife Federation’s five top conservation priorities for 2021.

  • Create Conservation Jobs
  • Advance Environmental Justice
  • Confront Climate Change
  • Restore America’s Conservation and Environmental Legacy
  • Prevent Future Pandemics

Learn more about our plans to achieve these ambitious conservation goals—and how you can help us get there.

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© 2021 The National Wildlife Federation, all rights reserved
The National Wildlife Federation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
PO Box 1583, Merrifield, VA 22116-1583
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