From Team Nydia <[email protected]>
Subject FWD: So much at stake
Date January 31, 2021 6:26 PM
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  Links have been removed from this email. Learn more in the FAQ.

Yesterday, Nydia sent out an email on the importance of continuing our fight for progress even with the Biden Administration in the White House. In case you didn't get a chance to see it, we've attached Nydia's note from yesterday below.

Tonight at midnight is our first end of month deadline since Joe Biden took office. Will you chip in $50 right now so we can continue to push for progress for working Americans? >> [link removed]

CHIP IN >> [link removed]

Nydia has fought hard this month to push back against corruption and fight for our democracy. Will you join her to stand up for what's right? >> [link removed]

Team Nydia

------- Forwarded Message -------
From: Nydia Velázquez
Date: Sat, Jan 30, 2021 at 11:00 AM
Subject: So much at stake


For four years, the Trump administration did everything it could to strip away the rights of everyone from women to immigrants to LGBTQ+ Americans.

Now, even with the Biden Administration in the White House and a Democratic Senate, Republicans are still fighting as hard as they can to ensure that Trump's harmful policies remain.

Tomorrow night is our first end-of-month deadline of 2021, and it's our chance to show Republicans that we're not backing down. Will you chip in today to join me? >> [link removed]

CHIP IN >> [link removed]

With so much at stake for New York, and for our country, we need people in Congress who will keep fighting for working families. I'm proud to be leading that fight -- but I can't do it without you.

Will you chip in whatever you can before our fundraising deadline tomorrow night at midnight? >> [link removed]


DONATE >> [link removed]
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