Thank you for joining us! We’d like to take a moment to tell you more about our nation-wide, grassroots organization: what we stand for, what we envision for our country’s future, and how we can work together to make it happen. Your Personal Freedom and Your Rights The right to be free is endowed by our Creator and is the premise of our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the American way of life. The Constitution is a timeless document that guarantees our basic freedoms. We support personal freedom so all Americans can live life the way they want as long as it does not harm others, or infringe on another’s rights. We are most free when the Constitution is followed and each branch of government serves as a check and balance to the others...
Economic Freedom to Grow Jobs We stand for economic freedom which means a growing economy with reduced tax rates and reduced government spending so we all have a chance to earn more money and businesses can hire more people. We support policies that allow you to keep more of your own money to do with as you see fit and policies that will provide for and enable opportunities to find good jobs or create and grow businesses. Likewise, we support policies that will present the best chances for the United States to grow and maintain its position as the world leader for economic opportunity...
A Debt Free Future for You and Generations to Come We support a debt free future because it is only fair and right to pay the debt we have incurred so our children and grandchildren are not stuck with our bills. When the government speaks about “raising the debt ceiling,” they are simply saying they need to borrow more money they won’t ever pay back. Continually increasing the debt of the United States puts an undue and unfair burden on future generations of Americans. It is fair and just to unburden our children from the national debt...
Tea Party Patriots Action operates as a social welfare organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots Action are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. |