This week, the government decided that volunteers aren't allowed to deliver leaflets. Here you'll find this week's roundup of the actions we can all take together to protect our democracy.



This week, the government decided that volunteers aren't allowed to deliver leaflets. Implementing a tactic of voter suppression, telling volunteers they can not deliver leaflets but that it's okay to pay people to deliver those same leaflets, along with constituency gerrymandering and compulsory voter ID, is not a just democracy. Below you'll find this week's roundup of the actions we can all take together to protect our democracy 🔽


Our Party Political Broadcast aired this week in England, showcasing how Greens are working with communities to plan for what comes next

Jonathan Bartley calls for a delay to elections so there can be safe and fair campaigning 

During PMQs, Caroline Lucas said ministers have “broken yet another election manifesto promise” by sending plastic to developing countries


Monday 1 February at 6PM we'll be meeting on Zoom for the first instalment in a monthly series hosted by Jonathan Bartley. Two years after Green Councillor, Carla Denyer, made the first 'Climate Emergency' declaration, we look back on how it came to be and what's next. Sign up here.


Want to join our next event too?  Register to attend 'Vaccine solidarity not vaccine nationalism' here. Please note that the date is tentative. By signing up you will be informed of any changes.


That's why we need to live in a system that is equitable and just. In our Green Living Room, you will find a collection of ideas from makers demonstrating that better is possible, because better is already happening. A portion of the proceeds from sales made are donated to the Green Party.


Join Wales Green Party 4th Feb 7PM for a thoughtful and timely discussion on the solutions needed in these unprecedented times. Could a Universal Basic Income be exactly what Wales needs?

-- Green Team 💚


Have you joined us as a Friend yet? Some things like the wellbeing of our families, communities and our planet, matter more than rosette colours. Join today.