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Dear John,
As the High Holidays draw near, our team is looking forward to taking a deep breath and reflecting over the coming days.
It has been a particularly eventful week, as we met with heads of states and other senior officials during the United Nations General Assembly.
We used this annual gathering to champion key issues that you and the rest of the ADL community find important — calling for leadership in the fight against anti-Semitism, which unfortunately is on the rise in many countries; tackling bias against Israel; promoting action against cyberhate; raising awareness about the global terror threat of white supremacy; and encouraging partners to address Iranian aggression and its hostility toward the Jewish state and Jewish people around the world.
At one of these meetings, ADL’s Board of Directors Chair, Esta Gordon Epstein and I met with Jordan’s King Abdullah for a robust discussion that spanned global events, the threat of Iran in the Middle East, prospects for a two-state solution and regional peace, and strategies for engaging Israel more effectively with the Arab world.
We were able to talk specifically about the global challenge of white supremacy, our pioneering work in Silicon Valley, the rise of online extremism, and the threat that this poses to minorities in the US and around the world, particularly Jews and Muslims. These topics clearly resonated with the King, so I am hoping there will be opportunities to drill down on this in follow-up conversations with him and his team.
Meetings like this one left us feeling cautiously optimistic about the possibilities for coming together, even with unlikely partners, to address these critical issues that are affecting all of our countries.
In another reminder of the global nature of our work, last week
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Sharon Nazarian, our SVP of International Affairs, presented Congressional testimony of the findings of a new ADL report
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Hate Beyond Borders: The Internationalization of White Supremacy, a collaborative project between our Center on Extremism and fellow extremism researchers from across Europe. And last week also featured
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Senate committee testimony by George Selim, our SVP of Programs, about mass violence and extremism in online channels.
We are bombarded by news headlines about the tensions in our world, but as the High Holidays begin, I want to express ADL’s gratitude to you for being part of our community this past year.
I hope you find time for reflection and togetherness with family and friends.
Sending wishes of peace, health and happiness in the year ahead.
Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director
P.S. I look forward to seeing many of you at Never Is Now on November 21 in New York. If you are as troubled as we are by the current spike in anti-Semitism and extremism around the world, this summit is an opportunity to gather with like-minded people to learn and exchange ideas to fight hate.
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