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Weekend Edition, January 30-31, 2021

Government Unhinged: No Constitutional Restraints, Just Executive Orders!

Ron Paul, MD

What You Can Learn From Uninvited Fact Checkers

L. Reichard White

Covid: If There Is No Virus, Why Are People Dying?

Jon Rappoport

‘The Squad’ Rejects Expansion of Domestic Terrorism Powers Aimed at Trump Supporters

Alice Salles

It Is Now Overdue for the Next Ice Age To Start

Joseph Kraig

Wall Street’s Changing Culture

John Brimelow

Get the Troops Out of DC

Biden’s war on ‘domestic terror’ is wildly disproportionate and authoritarian. Sean Collins

A Warning for Vaccine-hesitant Truth-seekers: The 0.01% Have It in for You

Gary G. Kohls, MD

Is the Establishment Still Terrified of Trump?

Patrick J. Buchanan

West’s Navalny Hypocrisy a Gas

Finian Cunningham

Is Wearing Three Masks Better Than One?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Buzzed Cairo, Wrecked Alexandria, and a Third-Class Train Ride

Linh Dinh

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