ACEs ConnectionCalifornia Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity
September 27, 2019

Whole-family wellness for early childhood: A new model for Medi-Cal delivery and financing.

Article by Rafael Maravilla, ACEs Connection Staff

Whole-Family Wellness for Early Childhood: A New Model for Medi-Cal Delivery and Financing outlines a new approach for California to conceptualize, deliver, and fund a system of care for Medi-Cal eligible infants and toddlers that is grounded in family wellness. At present, California is not adequately addressing the needs of young children on Medi-Cal, allowing millions to miss out on important preventive care each year because Medi-Cal health plans do not meet the whole family’s needs.
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Center for Youth Wellness announces new CEO and Board Chair.

Article by Diana Hembree, ACEs Connection Community Member

The Center for Youth Wellness, aka CYW, has some important news:  We have a new CEO and chair of the board, who will lead the nonprofit organization in its mission to prevent and heal the impact of severe adversity and toxic stress on children and their families.

The board of the Center for Youth Wellness has chosen former healthcare executive James (Jim) H. Hickman as CEO. Child advocate and attorney Mary Kelly Persyn of New Teacher Center is the new board chair of CYW, which is based in the historic Bayview – Hunters Point district of San Francisco.
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How much would it cost to adequately fund schools in California?

California school districts need to significantly increase their education spending to ensure that students have adequate resources and support to provide the state’s content…
edsource.orgread more

Children living in high-poverty, low-opportunity neighborhoods.

All children and youth deserve to live in communities where they can learn, play and grow. When neighborhoods have quality schools, accessible job opportunities, reliable.…
aecf.orgread more

Opinion: Suicide prevention requires caring neighbors and friends.

I find that I have some of the most meaningful conversations with near strangers when I tell them that I work in the field of suicide prevention. So often, people share that they have…
eastbaytimes.comread more

Santa Clara County boosts help for sexual assault victims, reports decline in domestic violence deaths.

The board voted to create the Santa Clara County Office of Gender-Based Violence to oversee services for survivors of…
mv-voice.comread more


Elena Costa: Check Out the 2019 Prevention Resource Guide

Flo Griffin: Opportunity to join DHCS CalAIM Work Groups on Policy Changes to Medi-Cal delivery systems

Sylvia Paull: Allen Nishikawa: ACEs Storyteller Helps People Develop Their Resilience

Elena Costa: Access the California Department of Social Services, Office of Child Abuse Prevention’s Data Dashboard!

Elena Costa: The Advancing California’s Trauma-Informed Systems (ACTS) Project

This newsletter is a joint effort between the
California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity (4CA) and ACEs Connection

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Gail E Kennedy
[email protected]
ACEs Connection

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