John, Our Revolution conducted a rigorous voter contact operation in the Midwest that focused on defending American workers and jobs and exposing the threat the President posed to the prosperity of working families. We protested Mike Pence to his face, shouted down Trump Jr. when he lied about the mass layoffs in Ohio, and made sure everybody in Des Moines knew that the oldest factory in Iowa had closed down under Trump. In Michigan, we called out GM for closing factories down despite receiving billions of dollars in federal contracts. But despite our concrete victories in the 2020 elections, John, Democrats who rely on big donor money are already facing enormous pressure from their corporate masters to block desperately needed support for worker justice and relief for the American people. After using our organizing power to make hundreds of thousands of voter contacts to win in Georgia and help Democrats take back the Senate, Our Revolution and our progressive allies have a lot of leverage in determining what laws get passed this year. And this is just the beginning. With our first end-of-month deadline coming up, we need help from crucial supporters like you to help progressives fight back against corporate allies. Click here to help Our Revolution continue pressuring Democrats to aggressively pursue a progressive policy agenda this year→
When we fight, we win! The whole team at Our Revolution 