John, Our Revolution members led the working-class revolt that directly led to the defeat of Donald Trump in the Midwest. It’s never been more clear that our organizing works. No other organization squared off against Trump face to face on what was supposed to be his biggest strength — and through our work exposing how badly Trump betrayed working people, we peeled off enough votes from his key demographics to win in the Midwest and boot the traitor from office. But, our work is far from done. Now we now need to make sure President Biden delivers real change, not just lip service for workers and the working class. Donate here if you agree that Joe Biden won’t do the right thing for workers unless we organize tremendous pressure! We have seen how successful we can be when we continue the fight. Remember: just a few years ago, Vice President Joe Biden said a $15 was impossible. Last year, we went to Trump rallies with pissed off laid-off workers and made sure everybody in town knew that Trump was the worst jobs president since Herbert Hoover. Now, as a direct result of our organizing, President Biden has signed an important executive order — using Our Revolution’s language — making sure the federal government spends taxpayer dollars on American made goods by American workers and with American-made component parts. That’s why Our Revolution is asking for your help to fight back before our first end-of-month deadline of 2021. John, click here to help us stand up to corporate greed in the Democratic Party and demand the American people get the relief we need!
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In solidarity, Mike Oles Field Director Our Revolution 