here if this email is hard to read. If you no longer want to
receive updates, click here.
January sure feels like it packed in at least half a year's worth
of events and news in the first 30 days, doesn't it? I sent out an
update on vaccines earlier this week to provide some timely
information as the sign-up process works to improve and evolve. But I
know it remains a frustration for many and I'll continue to push for
the needed improvements and I'll link to that update below. We also
have a tremendous amount happening all over the District, and I want
to keep you informed with a longer newsletter that touches on many
important topics.
We knew this winter would be a challenging time, even if we
couldn't have anticipated all of the ways it would be so hard. Parents
are deciding how to handle difficult choices on education. We're
seeing a troubling increase in crime. The pandemic drags on and the
supply of vaccines is far behind where we need it to be. Not to
mention ongoing threats to our democracy from inside US borders.
Still, hope remains in the progress we're making. I see neighbors
every day taking extra steps to care for one another. I see
communities rallying together to protect our values and our city. And
I see us working together to meet common challenges and emerge
stronger for it. So let's jump in and keep working toward solutions
Quick Links: Snow! | In-Person Learning Returns | COVID-19 Update | Gun Violence
Prevention | US Capitol
Fence | Essential Workers Home Purchase
Fund | Washington Channel | Restaurant Week 2021 | Bridgepoint Hospital | Free Tax
Prep Help | Nonprofit
Funding | Statehood Yard
Snow Is On The Way!
It's been two years since our last notable snowfall in the
District, so a quick reminder of some resources and good, neighborly
steps to take.
- Once the snow has stopped falling, try to shovel your walk within
eight hours. For all of us, but especially neighbors who have a harder
time getting around, hardened, packed snow presents a pretty serious
risk. If you are healthy and able, help any neighbors with shoveling
their sidewalk who might have some physical limitations. Forecasts are
showing snow stopping late afternoon on Sunday - a great time to clear
those sidewalks before a freeze overnight makes it harder to clear in
the morning.
- DC will have its hypothermia alert activated and shelters open
24/7. If you see someone struggling on the street, call the shelter
hotline at 202-399-7093.
- You can follow updates at https://snow.dc.gov/
- Normally you could go sledding on the hill next to the US Capitol,
but obviously there's a big fence in the way. By the way, in case you
hadn't heard, I'm
strongly against that fence staying up and working on fixing
Returning to School In-Person
This coming Monday, both DCPS and some charter
schools will return to some form of in-person learning. For parents
like me, fortunate enough to live within walking distance of my kids'
school and able to work from home, it offers a tough choice. But for
families whose students don't go to school near home or have family
members with significant health risks, in-person learning might not
even be feasible. Frankly, there aren't enough good options for
parents or students. At recent hearings with DCPS, I've pushed to
improve safety measures for teachers, staff, and students, asked how
DCPS is meeting students where they are to address their unique needs,
asked how schools are preparing now for summer and beyond to address
significant learning loss, and much more. I pulled together a video to
give DCPS parents some insight into what oversight efforts I'm focused
on moving forward. For charter school parents, I'm working with
specific Ward 6 schools (since each school makes its own decisions).
Please feel free to connect with me with any concerns you are
encountering. I
recorded a quick video as we get ready for this next change.
COVID-19 Update
I want to quickly run through some important
points we need to keep in mind until we've got widespread vaccination.
These cannot be considered suggestions just for other people - we all
have to do these things to make it work and get this virus under
New Strains of the Virus
If you follow the news, I'm sure you've heard reports of new
strains of the COVID-19 virus. This is concerning, but you should also
know this is part of every viral strain. Viruses are living organisms
who evolve. Given how widespread the virus is worldwide, each host
moves a virus through its evolutionary steps. New strains are/were
inevitable. Some of them will be stronger and more dangerous, others
won't be. This
Vox article helpfully walks through how new strains develop in a
measured tone.
The most important thing we can do is stop the spread to new hosts.
As Dr. Fauci said, it can't mutate if it doesn't incubate. We are in a
race against time to get the vaccine in place before the virus evolves
too much. That means:
- Physical distancing outside and inside.
- It means wearing masks.
- It means washing hands.
- It means staying home as much as you can. And if you do have to go
into someone else's home or indoor space, wear your mask.
Double Up the Mask!
The experts are all in agreement: it's time to start wearing two
masks to stop the spread of more contagious strains of COVID-19. I've
found the cloth masks fit comfortably over a surgical or similar paper
mask with little difference in fit. Here's more from the Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/01/27/double-mask-variants-guidance/
Vaccine Distribution Update
Earlier this week, I shared an update on
the District's rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines. Right now, the
biggest challenge is that there simply isn't enough vaccine to go
around. It's going to improve in the coming weeks and months, but it
will be difficult for a while. The good news is that DC residents are
getting vaccinated alongside our health care workers, first
responders, teachers, and other folks whose work is critical to
keeping our city running.
Importantly, it was just announced last
night that beginning on Monday, February 1, at noon, licensed
childcare workers who are working in-person are eligible to receive
vaccination from One Medical. Look for more information from our office
Twitter account on Monday. This was one of three urgent requests
the Council has made to the Mayor to improve the weekly distribution
process, along with the creation of a wait list (in process) and
prioritizing ZIP codes where residents have been disproportionately
harmed by COVID-19 for vaccination (complete, including 20001 and
20001 in Ward 6, and adding 20024 in Southwest after I made the
If you missed the update, you can find it
here for reference: http://www.charlesallenward6.com/1_27_21_ward_6_vaccine_update
New Gun Violence Prevention Director / Public Safety Update
I share the concerns of many Ward 6 residents who have emailed,
called, and reached out about a continued rise in crime. I am
regularly in contact with our MPD District Commanders and Acting Chief
Contee in the aftermath of serious crimes in our neighborhood to get
updates. As Chair of the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety,
I spend a lot of my time working on these issues and am in regular
meetings with criminal justice partners on where we need to go
Over the last couple of years, violent crime and property crime
overall have decreased in the city. There are two categories that are
notable exceptions, though. First is gun violence and the second is
vehicle thefts (sometimes car-jacking, sometimes theft without the
owner involved). Both are very concerning and mirror trends we are
seeing in nearly every US city right now. And while these crimes
obviously pre-date the pandemic, we cannot ignore the immense
challenges created by the pandemic, which has meant closed schools,
even higher unemployment and lost income, disparate health outcomes,
closed public spaces like libraries and rec centers, and more. That
means that for a lot of people who are living in already difficult
situations, many of the normal supports we offer are missing or much
harder to provide.
First-Ever Gun Violence Prevention Director Begins
Just yesterday, I was pleased to see the Mayor announce the
District's first Gun
Violence Prevention Director, Linda Harllee Harper. Last summer, I
created the position of Gun Violence Prevention Director as part of
the most recent budget the District passed and I have high hopes for
what Director Harper can do with this new position. The goal in
creating the position, which was a major priority of Moms Demand
Action DC and other gun violence prevention advocacy groups, was to
empower an expert within the City Administrator's office to use the
full strength and resources of the District government to focus on
reducing gun violence. Director Harper's role is an important part of
finally treating gun violence like the public health emergency that it
really is.
If we only treat gun violence as a policing problem, we'll never
make real, sustainable progress because the underlying conditions that
lead someone to gun violence are not just a police problem. Linda is
someone I've worked with for many years in her previous roles helping
transform the District's approach to rehabilitating juveniles who
commit crimes and envisioning the future of the DC Jail. She brings a
great vision and wealth of experience to the position. You can be sure
I will be closely following her work and ensuring she's receiving the
support she needs to succeed.
Legislative Tools to Prevent Crime and Get Guns off the
On the enforcement side, I’ve moved legislation through the Council
that increases criminal penalties for extended magazines and so-called
“ghost” guns – both of which we’ve seen with increasing frequency in
our city and do great harm. But I want to emphasize the data shows us
over and over again that there are limits to the effectiveness of
enhanced penalties on deterring crime. Many of the crimes we've seen
recently, including armed car theft, already come with incredibly
steep penalties. If having harsh penalties were the secret to ending
crime, DC would have very little crime. This isn't to say that there
isn't a role for accountability, but we cannot overly rely on it as
our only solution. And we certainly cannot overlook the historic role
these two tactics have had in over-policing and mass incarceration of
Black residents.
There are a number of other steps I’ve taken to give the Mayor’s
team more tools to get guns off our streets, including creating the
District's red flag law and engaging in ongoing oversight to see that
it is implemented correctly. And in the last few years, I’ve also
worked to support community-based solutions using violence prevention
models targeted to neighborhoods experiencing the most violence.
Investments like these that focus on individuals at-risk of committing
or becoming victims of gun violence are paying off, intervening before
the trigger is pulled. It's worth noting here that some of the men
released under re-sentencing efforts I've led on have dedicated
themselves to reaching young people today who need a role model to
learn from -- they are using their experience to reach out in a way
few others can.
Other related efforts I’ve helped create use a hospital-based
intervention so that once gun violence has taken place, people are in
place to de-escalate and intervene to break cycles of violence and
retribution, a major cause of gun violence in our city.
Importantly, violent crime doesn’t come out of nowhere; so we need
to take an urgent and comprehensive approach to rooting it out. I’ve
also been working with the Mayor and incoming Chief on some additional
strategies to focus efforts and interventions more strongly on the
people most at-risk for violence to help the city be less reactive and
instead get in front of it proactively by addressing people’s
challenges and needs. This is where having Director Harllee Harper
work out of the City Administrator's office can have the largest
impact. I expect in the coming month we will see more comprehensive
developments geared toward gun violence.
I’ll add that we’re also looking at ways to improve our 911
dispatch system to better target resources where they’re needed to
address gun violence. It’s sometimes called ‘alternatives to
policing.’ To be clear, that’s not meant to refer to alternatives to
responding to violence or guns. It’s more about the calls for things
like fireworks, loud music, someone in mental health crisis,
homelessness, etc. Looking through the data, these make up a huge
number of MPD’s calls for service and don’t always require a law
enforcement response. Nor are police always best equipped to best
respond, especially for issues related to homelessness and behavioral
health. Other cities around the country have been creating crisis
response teams – often pairing a paramedic and social worker – to
respond to calls that don’t need the police. It creates a 911 system
that better deploys the right resources. And it also means that sworn
officers are freed up to focus on violent crime and other urgent
matters. I’m interested in what DC can do in this realm. We’ve already
started something similar on the emergency medical side where nurses
are paired with 911 operators to redirect non-emergent calls to
primary care providers rather than always sending an ambulance.
I hope this helps. I know it can be alarming when a serious crime
takes place near home or to someone we know. Please know I take
violent crime very seriously, as I know all of my colleagues on the
Council do. We want to make lasting improvements, not only to create a
safer community for everyone, but also to break persistent cycles of
crime and tragedy. This is not an either/or strategy, but two
responses that must work hand-in-hand.
The US Capitol Fence Needs to Come Down
In this town, temporary security measures
have a way of becoming permanent. We cannot let that happen with the
expanded fence perimeter around the Capitol that's been in place since
after the January 6 insurrection. The US Capitol is the "people's
house" and accessibility to its grounds is both an important symbol
and necessary part of a vibrant and active neighborhood surrounding
it. Open the streets. Take down the fence. I fully support efforts to
ensure we never see another January 6, but leaving a giant fence in
place blocking access isn't the solution, it's admitting defeat. I
spoke with NBC
4 and Washington
Post about where we need to go from here.
Down Payment Assistance for Essential
I wanted to quickly share an opportunity
for essential workers on limited incomes to qualify for assistance
with a down payment toward a home purchase. Learn more here: https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/10000-in-homebuying-help-for-essential-workers
Keep the Washington Channel Open to Everyone
This week I joined DC residents and neighbors in
Southwest to push back on a proposal by the US Army that would
severely restrict access to the Washington Channel. The meeting was
hosted by the District's Congresswoman, Eleanor Holmes Norton. I
testified against the proposal. I believe strongly that we need to
preserve access to the water for everyone. More
coverage from WAMU.
Winter Restaurant Week is Here!
I know I might sound like a broken record, but our small and local
restaurants badly need our support to get through this pandemic. This
week and next are DC's winter restaurant week, typically taking place
when business would be slower in normal times. If you can afford to, I
really urge you to treat yourself to a meal or two (with generous
tipping) to help restaurants keep going.
Update on Bridgepoint Hospital
On Thursday, there was an explosion at
the Bridgepoint Hospital, located in Northeast DC. I was on-site with
Fire and EMS, and can report we were very fortunate that no one was
seriously injured or killed. While I will wait until FEMS and DCRA
make their official reports, I can confirm it was not related to a
generator on the rooftop and that the building is stable (I know this
was a concern for nearby residents). Here's
more in the Hill Rag.
Free Tax Prep Assistance for DC
Residents Earning $57k and under (English y Español)
As we head into tax season, there are
great resources available to ensure folks, particularly anyone on a
tight budget, can maximize their returns this tax season. Catholic
Charities DC has asked to spread the word on their volunteer tax
assistance network. Learn more here and share with neighbors who could
use a pro's review for free (services available in both English and
Spanish/ Español). This service is available for free to anyone who
earned $57,000 or under last year.
Events DC
Announces Dates for Community Grant
Events DC will be
holding information sessions ahead of a March 1 deadline for community
nonprofits to apply for grant funding. There are six upcoming
information sessions in the next two weeks on Feb 4, 10, 16. Find all
of the information you need here: https://eventsdc.com/community/community-grants.
Get Your
Statehood Yard Sign
The fine folks
over at Neighbors United for DC Statehood wanted me to include
information on how you can get your free DC Statehood Yard Sign. If
you'd like to request one, head right this
Thanks everyone. Have a great weekend
(maybe enjoy a little snow) and stay safe!
