Hey John

Did you know that many cities across America have Police Oversight Commissions that aim to address police-related incidents? In fact, of the 50 largest U.S. cities, 88% have these commissions. But rarely do young people, especially young women, serve on these governing boards.

YOU will change that. Join Power to the People, a virtual training series that prepares you to apply for a seat on your local Police Oversight Commission. There will be four national panels and workshops you can attend and one city-specific training.

You'll learn about Police Oversight Commissions in your city, meet with local elected officials, existing commission members, and local policy experts. Power to the People will give you the tools to flip the power in your city. 

NOW is the time to get involved. Let’s harness our momentum to codify new laws, reduce - and one day - eliminate police violence, hold officers and departments accountable, and ultimately, get justice for lives lost.

Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley said it best: 

“The people who are closest to the pain should be closest to the power.” 

YOU are at the forefront of this movement. YOU should be closest to the power, informing and monitoring new policies, assessing and regulating how police departments adapt to a new era of policing in America. Flex your power. Register Now.


Sara Guillermo, Executive Director



Like this program but not in a position to apply? You can still be involved! Make a gift of any size today to help us lift young women into power across the country.


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