UPDATE! Since we launched our #DrainTheTraitors campaign 2 weeks ago, more than 60 big corporations have changed their tune on making PAC donations to Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and the other Republican traitors in Congress who voted to overturn our democratic election.

Thousands of PCCC members have been pressuring corporations on Twitter and with phone calls -- and the pressure is working. CNBC reports "Republicans are worried about raising money for 2022 House races as corporations cut donations following riot." GREAT JOB!

Click our #DrainTheTraitors page to see corporations that need pressure. And push them to take a stand.

And, check out our billboards going up in Texas and Missouri holding Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley accountable -- and chip in so millions of their constituents see them.

Our #DrainTheTraitors effort builds on reporting by Judd Legum at Popular Information to increase the pressure on corporations to take decisive action. (Subscribe to Popular Information here.)

This is grassroots activism at work:

Universal Music Group, Intel, Charles Schwab, Exelon, and Holland & Hart have all recently announced they will permanently stop making PAC donations to the Republican traitors. Thank them here -- and urge them to go a step further and request refunds for all past donations -- like Hallmark did.

Amazon, Comcast, Disney, Pfizer, Morgan Stanley, Oracle, and others have "suspended" PAC donations to the Republican traitors. That's a start, but it's not good enough. Thank these companies for that much, and pressure them to make the decision permanent.

Many other corporations need much more pressure because they have so far failed to take appropriate action.

Dozens of corporations have suspended all of their PAC donations, creating a false equivalency between the Republicans who voted to overturn our democracy and everybody else who did not. That's movement -- but it's weak. They need to do better. Pressure corporations to permanently stop making PAC donations specifically to the 147 Republican traitors who voted to overturn our democratic election results.

Still other corporations have taken even weaker stands, saying they are "reviewing" their PAC donation policies.

Click our #DrainTheTraitors page to see corporations that need pressure. And push them to take a stand.

And, chip in to our billboards in Texas and Missouri holding Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley accountable where millions of their constituents can see.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)

P.S. Check out this great example of grassroots activism working. Thanks Corinne!

Wells Fargo announces pause to political contributions on DrainTheTraitors Twitter thread.





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