John Lewis spoke these words two years ago after the For the People Act was first introduced to Congress. This year, thanks to grassroots organizers who helped send pro-democracy senators to Congress, the passage of this democracy reform bill finally feels within reach.
The deciding factor will be whether our grassroots calls for reform are strong enough and whether senators across the country heed those calls with bold action. Will you chip in to help support All On The Line's advocacy efforts?
Right now, two competing visions for our country are unfolding. One that harnesses grassroots organizing to empower voters -- to overcome voter suppression efforts and other systems of electoral oppression. And one that unleashes dangerous false rhetoric to justify voter suppression -- as a means of maintaining manipulated systems.
Conservatives continue to parrot made-up, baseless allegations of voter fraud -- in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary -- because it's helping to usher in new voting restrictions. And suppressing the vote of people who don't support their extreme agenda helps them dodge political accountability for supporting policies that favor the special interests.
Those who would subvert our democracy must be helped accountable.
We need a broad, strong coalition of people -- committed to American renewal -- to help create an era of accountability. Your support can help make that possible, friend.
I have always believed in the power of community organizing -- but outside activism cannot be the only form of accountability. When John Lewis spoke about the For the People Act, he called on us to strengthen our democracy by protecting it from the forces that seek to make it more difficult for all Americans to participate in it.
Passing comprehensive democracy reform is essential to driving out those forces. With your help, I believe it's possible.
Thank you for helping to protect our hard-won democracy. This effort, if it is to be successful, will take all of us.
-- Eric H. Holder, Jr.