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California’s new ‘ethnic studies’ high school curriculum legitimizes Boycott the Jews (BDS) Movement
Democrat Nazi party passing its version of the Nuremberg laws. Make no mistake, the Boycott, Divest, Sanction [Israel] movement is this century’s Nazi movement, only on a worldwide scale. It is the same tactic, same viciousness, same lies, same ...

Biden’s climate order HALTING drilling on federal lands KILLS 58K jobs
The Biden Administration's assault on the energy industry is moving at lightning speed. What a disaster. President Trump warned everyone that this would happen if Joe Biden was elected POTUS.

Beijing Biden administration is a wrecking ball to ...

Killer Cuomo COVER-UP: NY Nursing Home Deaths Massively UNDERCOUNTED BY HALF
It was widely known that the China virus was dangerous, fatal even, to the elderly.

Knowing that, NY Governor Cuomo sent COVID-stricken seniors to nursing homes – sending tens of thousands of elderly to their deaths.

The disabled, ...

DICTATOR: Biden to sign executive orders expanding ObamaCare, international funding for abortion
40 Executive orders in less than a week?

That's not a Constitutional Republic, that's dictatorial rule by fiat.

America has been taken hostage.

Biden is not legitimate.#StolenElection

— GELLER REPORT (@PamelaGeller) January 27, ...

Report: U.S. Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry’s family still owns a private jet
Of course. Hypocrite and elitist John Kerry flies around the world in private jets, which emit up to 40 times more carbon per passenger than commercial flights. And he sails around New England in private yachts. Then tells the rest of us to go on ...

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