Hi Friend,

“Joe Biden’s First Day Began the End of Girls’ Sports.” - Wall Street Journal 

Abigail Shrier poignantly spelled out the irony of it all:
 “Amid Inauguration Day talk of shattered glass ceilings, on Wednesday President Biden delivered a body blow to the rights of women and girls: the Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation. On day one, Mr. Biden placed all girls’ sports and women’s safe spaces in the crosshairs of the administrative state.”
We, of course, hope and strive for a world free of discrimination. But the left-wing approach to this sensitive topic will backfire and result in harm to women and girls, who have fought so hard to secure equal opportunities. 

President Biden put left-wing special interests and their extremist agenda ahead of the safety, welfare, and opportunities for women and girls. Biden’s executive order would require that males be allowed to play on women’s athletic teams and compete against female athletes. 

Wow, what a way to stay “woke.” 

We are keeping up with the endless executive orders (42 as of late) and the constant rewriting of the “rules” that the far left insists we all play by…. And we’re now at the point where women’s rights are being tossed out the window. 

The absurdity of it is downright disturbing. Does anyone mean anything anymore? 

We must speak out against these backwards regulations that jeopardize the progress of women and girls. 
SHARE YOUR STORY about being, raising, or watching female athletes and what it means to you. 
SHARE YOUR OPINIONS on how women’s sports gives female athletes opportunities for advancement and growth, and how this executive order will impact that. 

The executive order will hurt female athletes in countless ways, namely thwarting opportunities for women and girls to play, win, and compete fairly. 

But it’s important that President Biden hears your stories and thoughts so they can see how senseless, tyrannical, and dangerous this is to the very people it will hurt the most. 

Share your thoughts openly with us about this radical, reckless move in this secure forum.


Hadley Heath Manning
Director of Policy