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Welcome to The Family Beacon from Minnesota Family Council! We're keeping YOU informed on life, family, and religious freedom issues in Minnesota and nationwide! Click on the bullet points to read this week's top stories, or scroll down to read more.

Minnesota Family Council Gets Blocked from Twitter (UPDATE: We're Back)

Screen Shot 2021-01-25 at 9.22.15 AM.png Earlier this week, Twitter slapped Minnesota Family Council with a temporary suspension for referring to Dr. Rachel Levine, President Biden’s nominee for Assistant Health Secretary, as a “man who identifies as a woman.” Although this statement is undeniably true (Dr. Levine, originally Richard, changed his name to “Rachel” in 2012), Twitter appears to believe that this tweet is hate speech.

Let’s be clear: Rachel Levine is a man who identifies as a woman. There is no process by which a man can become a woman. Thus, saying that a transgender-identified person has not changed their biological sex is not ill will but simple fact. God’s beautiful creation means that each of us is male or female, and we must affirm this truth even as we respond compassionately and with Christlike love to people going through gender dysphoria.

On Thursday, Twitter restored our account and the tweet in question. You can follow Minnesota Family Council on Twitter here. Read our full appeal to Twitter here. (. . . CONTINUE READING)

Read the whole thing at The Family Beacon


Radical Minnesota Lawmakers Want to Make Abortion a "Fundamental Right"


 Last week marked the 48th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade ruling. While pro-lifers across the nation grieved the loss of life brought about by the ruling, pro-abortion politicians took the occasion to celebrate abortion and promise its further expansion. President Biden issued a statement reiterating his campaign promise to codify Roe v. Wade into law, and here in Minnesota, pro-abortion DFL lawmakers marked the anniversary of Roe v. Wade by introducing a bill that grants a “fundamental right to abortion.” In a statement issued on January 22, Representative Kelly Morrison lamented the conservative majority on the Supreme Court and announced she was introducing the Protect Reproductive Options Act.

Representatives Alice Hausman and Mike Freiberg have joined Morrison as co-authors of the Protect Reproductive Options Act. In addition to establishing a “fundamental right” to abortion, the bill would prohibit lawmakers from “interfer[ing] with reproductive decision making” in the form of regulations, including regulations of facilities or services. Planned Parenthood released a statement last week praising the bill

The bill also states that “A fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus does not have independent rights under the laws of this state.” Life begins at conception, and it is absurd and arbitrary to argue that personhood does not begin when life begins. From conception, an unborn child is alive and undeniably human. This bill would deny basic human rights, including the right to life, to unborn children simply because they are in their mothers’ wombs. (. . . CONTINUE READING)

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Gray_Line.png Biden Funds Abortions at Home and Abroad


 Following up on his campaign promises to radically advance the abortion lobby’s agenda, President Biden has reversed the Mexico City Policy and rolled back the Title X Protect Life Rule. This means that U.S. taxpayer dollars will once again be used to pay for abortions in nations that receive aid from the United States, and will also be given to abortion businesses here in the U.S. via the Title X program.

The Mexico City Policy has been implemented by pro-life Presidents since the 1980s to prevent federal funding of non-government organizations (NGOs) that perform or promote abortions. Under the Trump administration, this policy was expanded so that it applied not just to USAID, but to any federal agency that distributes foreign health assistance. President Biden’s order reverses this, allowing taxpayer dollars to be used to export abortion to developing countries.

This order also rolls back a rule blocking Title X funds from going to abortion providers and prohibiting Title X recipients from referring patients to abortion providers. The Title X Family Planning program is intended to offer assistance to low-income and uninsured women and families. From 2013 to 2015, Planned Parenthood received $1.5 billion in federal funds through the Title X program. The Protect Life Rule prevented this from continuing and instead supported providers who do not offer or refer for abortion. Yesterday’s executive order means that Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers will once again be able to receive these funds. (. . . CONTINUE READING) 

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2020 Year in Review: Top Posts from The Family Beacon

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 As we enter 2021, we’ve taken some time to look back on our most popular blog posts from 2020 here on the Family Beacon. We are so grateful for everyone who supported our work and took a stand for life, family, and religious freedom in the past year!

1. No Joke: Saint Paul City Council to Consider Counseling Ban on April 1 Without Public Comment. In the middle of a statewide Stay at Home order, the Saint Paul City Council proposed a counseling ban limiting what a licensed counselor can say to a client who is struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria. The remote nature of the meeting prevented members of the public from speaking out against this infringement on free speech and government interference in counselor-client relationships. The city council voted to adopt the plan in June.

2. Attorney General Ellison Uses a Crisis to Promote Mail-Order Abortion. After Governor Tim Walz gave the abortion industry special treatment by exempting them from lockdowns, Attorney General Keith Ellison joined 20 other attorneys general in sending a letter to HHS Secretary Alex Azar and FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn requesting the removal of safety regulations on the abortion pill, ignoring the known dangers of chemical abortion.

Read the rest of this piece and share it at The Family Beacon


RECLAIM IT: Virtual Conference - February 13


 From the event organizers:

Our goal is to help LGBTQ-identified individuals understand who they really are; that they are image-bearers of Almighty God. He doesn't make mistakes, and He created two sexes for a purpose...We will help you reach LGBTQ-identified individuals with information that they likely haven't heard. This conference also delivers a message of hope for parents with LGBTQ-identified children. 

It is only in Christ, our children, our families, and the Church will discover their TRUE IDENTITY. We want to help you Reclaim IT!

Tickets $50-$75. Click here to register now for this virtual event!

Gray_Line.png Educating and Equipping Parents on the Transgender Trend

Get your copy of the Minnesota Parent Resource GuideThe Parent Resource Guide sheds light on the consequences transgender ideas have on kids' lives, while equipping parents to play a positive role in creating a truly welcoming school community. 

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Responding to the transgender trend with truth and compassion starts with the Parent Resource Guide. Get your copy HERE today and invite a friend to do the same! Click to order your copy today:

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 Thank you for sharing Minnesota Family Council’s vision for strong families and communities through Christ. As we pivot from a contentious election to the challenges ahead, we need your support now more than ever. Click here to give now. We are grateful for your partnership with us through prayer and financial support.









































































































































































































Minnesota Family Council/Minnesota Family Institute
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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