Important Legislation Filed to Protect Churches, Women’s Sports & Life

If there was ever any doubt, the first two weeks of the Biden Administration have made it clear of their support for radical Leftist policies - including taxpayer-funded abortion and radical transgender ideology. It will be up to Texas to help lead the fight against these dangerous policies, starting with the Texas Legislative Session that is now underway. Our team was on the ground at the Texas Capitol this week working hard to advance biblical values. 

We are excited to report several important bills, supported by Texas Values Action, were filed this week:

  • We must protect religious freedom in Texas. That is why we support bills that would make churches and places of worship “essential,” prohibiting government from shutting them down during times of disaster, as we saw in 2020. This week, Rep. Jeff Leach and Sen. Kelly Hancock filed legislation (HJR 72, SJR 27) to further protect churches in the Texas Constitution. Other recently filed bills protecting churches include: SB 251 by Sen. Angela Paxton, HB 1239 by Rep. Scott Sanford and HB 525 by Rep. Matt Shaheen.

  • Girls deserve to compete on a level playing field. When we ignore biological reality, girls are hurt because allowing males to compete in women’s sports destroys fair competition and women’s athletic opportunities. Sen. Charles Perry and Rep. Valoree Swanson have filed versions of the Fair Play in Sports Act (SB 373, HB 1458) to ensure fair competition in sports for Texas girls.

  • This week, the Texas Freedom Caucus announced their legislative priorities for the session, including a pro-life “Heartbeat” bill and important religious liberty legislation. We look forward to working alongside members of the Freedom Caucus to get these important bills passed.

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Texans Rally for Life Across State, National March for Life is Today

This past weekend, we joined with thousands of fellow Texans virtually and in a “Life Caravan” to stand for life and memorialize the 48th anniversary when murdering unborn babies became legal in the United States, with the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade. Due to this horrendous decision, Texas abortionists take the life of approximately 144 preborn children every day.

The Texas Rally for Life featured numerous pro-life speakers, including Governor Greg Abbott, Senator Donna Campbell, Bishop Joe Vásquez, Abby Johnson, David Bereit, Kristan Hawkins, Jason Jones, Claire Culwell and guests from locations across Texas. If you missed the livestream, you can watch it on Texas Values' website. Today is also the national March for Life in Washington, D.C.



Podcast: David Bereit & Lauren Muzyka

On the most recent edition of our podcast & weekly radio show the Texas Values Report, host Jonathan Saenz was joined by David Bereit, Founder of 40 Days for Life and Lauren Muzyka, Executive Director at Sidewalk Advocates for Life. The Texas Values Report podcast is available weekly on iTunes and other popular podcasting services – be sure to subscribe! Listen here.

March 17 is Texas Faith & Family Day

SAVE THE DATE! The 2020 Texas Faith and Family Day at the Texas Capitol will be on Wednesday, March 17. Make plans to join us for an impactful day where you can equip yourself on the most important pro-life and pro-family values issues, gather with other like-minded Texans, and have an opportunity to meet with your legislators. More details on registering for this event will be coming soon!


Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.


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Suite L115
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(512) 478-2220
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