From Anthony Lewis, Greenpeace <>
Subject Plastic
Date September 27, 2019 9:15 AM
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Hi John,

It's no secret, plastic has invaded our environment. And it's everywhere. It's in our sea salt, rain, the air - and now it's been found falling with snow in the Arctic [1][2][3].

One thing is clear: we need to drastically reduce the amount of plastic we're producing and using. And supermarkets have a huge role to play - they use roughly 800,000 tonnes a year, much of it on pointless and wasteful packaging (plastic wrapped avocado anyone?)

As their customers we have the power to change this. Will you join over a million others and tell them to ditch the pointless packaging?


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Our oceans don't have time to waste. Whether it's turtles tangled in plastic, or whales choking on stomachs full of rubbish, plastic is putting our wildlife at risk.

Some supermarkets have already taken action. Waitrose are running a 'bring your own container' scheme to reduce plastic waste and packaging in a trail store where customers can fill reusable containers [4].

And after months of pressure online and in-store from people like you, Sainsbury's have committed to huge plastic reduction by 2025 [5]. This is a big move, especially considering that Sainsbury's were the worst offending supermarket on our scoreboard last year, it shows the power of people to create change!

If Sainsbury's, the UK's second biggest supermarket, can make these bold plastic reduction commitments, the rest have no excuse. Can you urge them to protect our oceans and ditch pointless plastic packaging?


Add your name: [link removed]


Public opinion is already on our side! Politicians, celebrities and even the royal family are joining our calls that enough is enough. And yet, plastic production continues to skyrocket, and with a rubbish truck's worth of plastic entering the environment every minute - our oceans need action, now.

Make your voice heard and let's take action on plastic pollution.

Thank you for everything you do,
Anthony and the plastics team.

[1] Sea salt around the world is contaminated by plastic, studies show
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[2] Microplastics are raining down from the sky
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[3] Plastic particles falling out of sky with snow in Arctic
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[4] Waitrose extends 'bring your own' container trail to reduce plastic waste
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[5] Sainsbury's to introduce refillable packaging to cut plastic waste
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[6] Supermarket Plastic League Table
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Greenpeace Ltd, Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN (registered in London no 1314381, VAT registration no 625951426)

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