Updates from Chrissy!

Dear John, 

The Commonwealth we call home is where this wonderful democratic experiment, the United States, began. Our very own Benjamin Franklin issued a now historic and oft-repeated warning – we have a republic, if we can keep it.

For me, there is no if. There is only a must.

Our democracy endures because we profoundly believe in the tenets that bind us together not only as a nation, but also as a citizenry.

I just presented our second annual State of the Sixth address to our community. As your elected member in Congress, I am so grateful to share with you the work that we are accomplishing on behalf of the people of the Pennsylvania Sixth and to continue the discussion about our democracy.

In This E-Newsletter You Will Find:

Recent/Upcoming Events Including last night's State of the Sixth and next week's dial-in town hall focusing on vaccine distribution here in our community.

What We're Working On
—  Including bipartisan legislation I introduced yesterday that will help create jobs and foster the entrepreneurial spirit our country needs at this critical time.

Delivering For Our Community — Including the total number of constituents we helped during my first term in Congress and a recent example of casework where we assisted John in Coatesville resolve his problem with the USPS.

 .  .  .

Recent/Upcoming Events

State of the Sixth and Virtual Swearing-In Ceremony

A few weeks ago in Washington, I had the privilege of taking the oath of office again on behalf of our community and country. As you can imagine, it was a very different experience with COVID than it was a couple of years ago. We were called in shifts, and I took my oath in the back corner of the House Floor (referred to as 'Pennsylvania Corner') largely on my own. It was a chance to reflect quietly and contemplatively on the words of this sacrosanct oath. We thought that it might be good to breathe those words to life again with you all who were not able to join me in DC.

I am very thankful to Judge Analisa Sondergaard, Court of the Common Pleas of Chester County, who led me in my virtual oath of office, which you can watch here.

Reflecting on my first term in office, one of our early goals was leading with a new level of transparency, accessibility and accountability. To that end, we committed to holding at least one town hall per month, and we have more than met that goal. In fact, we hosted more in-person and virtual town halls than any other member of the Pennsylvania delegation.

In recognition of the efforts of our team, the Congressional Management Foundation awarded our office the Democracy Award for Transparency and Accountability. Only two awards in this category are awarded each year, and they are awarded bi-partisanally and bi-camerally. Our office is the first freshman office to receive this recognition.

For those of you who attended last night's address, these slides should look familiar! Now, I know many of us can't see the details, but I just wanted to give you a visual of the many topics we covered. I talked about the importance of engaging with constituents in new and creative ways, the inspiration I've drawn from our community as essential workers continue to serve us, our voter participation initiative, and our efforts to promote our agricultural economy.

Regarding our COVID-19 response, I outlined our fight for local small businesses that have been so gravely affected by this pandemic. I serve on the Small Business Committee because I know that the businesses of Main Street are the backbone of our economy. I also detailed our office's actions to support educators and students through additional funding, address the affordable housing and eviction crisis too many families are facing, and host necessary conversations about equity and equality in our nation.

If you have the time, you can see all of these slides (at normal size!) and watch the entirety of my live presentation at this link.

Next Week: Community Town Hall to Discuss Covid Vaccine Distribution

Our office has been getting many questions about vaccine distribution. To address those questions, we are hosting a Vaccine Telephone Town Hall next Wednesday, February 3 at 6:00PM. To participate, please dial (855) 731-4616. Vaccines are one of the most effective tools we have to contain this virus. I encourage all Pennsylvanians to get the vaccine when it is made available to you. In Congress, I’m working to secure aid for states and localities so that they can more quickly distribute vaccines.

But even with the vaccine, we must continue to practice social distancing and wear masks to most effectively and efficiently contain and beat this virus. Below is some information about the current state of vaccine distribution in our Commonwealth:

  • Pennsylvania is currently in group 1A of the vaccination phase. This includes health care workers, residents of long-term care facilities, persons ages 16-64 with high-risk conditions, and folks 65 and older. An exhaustive list of those who fit under 1A can be found on PA’s vaccine site.
  • Those that wish to be vaccinated can pre-register for vaccination on the Chester County vaccination site. Anyone who works or resides in Chester County may pre-register even if they don’t meet the current group criteria. Once you pre-register, you will receive notifications as appointments become available for COVID-19 vaccine. This will also keep folks updated on the current group phase.
  • Constituents living in Berks County can visit the Berks vaccine site to find vaccine providers within the county.
  • Please contact the PA Dept. of Health if you do not have access to a computer or smartphone at 1-877-724-3258 for more information on scheduling a vaccine appointment. Only folks who fit under the 1A group are being vaccinated at this time, therefore they are the only ones who can schedule vaccination appointments.
What We're Working On

Helping Create Jobs and Foster the Entrepreneurial Spirit

As a former engineer and entrepreneur, I know the problems our small businesses and entrepreneurs face in normal times and that those problems have multiplied tenfold during this pandemic. We need to be doing everything in our capacity to support our talented entrepreneurs in translating their innovative ideas into marketable products and cutting-edge technology – too many endeavors fail because they lack access to capital or face IP protection challenges.

Pennsylvania is home to a number of successful startups, which began with an idea and have turned into small businesses, creating jobs on Main Street and products Americans use every day. I’m proud to work with Representative Balderson on this bipartisan legislation that will help jumpstart job creation and support our entrepreneurs and small business owners. We cannot wait.

Backing President Biden's American Rescue Plan

Just a couple weeks ago, I represented our community at President Biden and Vice President Harris' Inauguration. We are in the early days of this new Administration and new Congress and there is so much work to be done. First and foremost, we must work together to crush this virus.

My top priority is continuing to provide relief to our community during this pandemic. I'm supporting additional funds and aid for vaccine distribution, fighting for our small businesses so they can weather this crisis, rebuilding our economy in a way that creates opportunities for everyone, regardless of skill level, and creating jobs that pay a living wage in Chester and Berks counties. We must work to rebuild a more inclusive economy and that includes a robust infrastructure package.

ICYMI: Our Valentines for Veterans Project

Many of you have already seen our Valentines for Veterans initiative. In fact, we've already received our first card, pictured above! We are inviting students and residents in the region to participate in the Valentines for Veterans project by making (or buying if you unable to craft yourself!) cards for area veterans to thank them for their service. Remember, the cards will be delivered in the days before Valentine's Day to veteran neighbors. Those who wish to participate may drop off or mail cards to our West Chester office during normal business hours between now and Friday, February 12. Call (610) 883-5050 with any questions.
Delivering for Our Community: Constituent Services

As I mentioned during last night's address, our office has closed nearly 2,000 constituent cases to date, and we stand ready to continue serving our community. Especially during this pandemic, we understand that many of our neighbors are navigating difficult situations with the IRS, Social Security Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs, and others. Let me be very clear; we are here to help. Here's what John from Coatesville had to say about our constituent services:

If you are having an issue with a Federal Agency, fill out our form and our team will contact you! We also invite you to read more success stories here. Remember, our website is always a resource for you and your family.

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We want to hear from you. Please stay in touch and let us know what you thought of this e-newsletter. As always, we invite you to call one of our offices or message us through our contact form. Feel free to pass this update along to friends of our community so they can keep in touch too.

1218 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4315
M-F 9:00am-6:00pm
709 E. Gay Street
Suite 4
West Chester, PA 19380
Phone: (610) 883-5050
M, W, F 9:00am-5:00pm
T, Th 9:00am-7:00pm

815 Washington Street
Suite 2-48
Reading, PA 19601
Phone: (610) 295-0815
M, W, F 9:00am-5:00pm
T, Th 9:00am-7:00pm

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