Inside this issue• Vaccinate to Protect Health of Yourself and Your Community• California Extends Eviction Moratorium Through June• Verify Before Sharing 'News,' Pope Says in Communications Day Messa
 Inside this issue

  Vaccinate to Protect Health of Yourself and Your Community  
In partnership with the Catholic health systems and Catholic Charities throughout the Golden State, the Catholic Bishops of California urge all Californians to receive a vaccination to prevent the continued spread of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic that has claimed the lives of more than two million people worldwide.
As the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has said, the vaccines now available and offered (Pfizer and Moderna) and those currently in the testing approval/process (AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson) are morally permissible and can be used in good conscience.  
Beyond simply protecting their own health and safety, Catholics also have an obligation to protect their family, friends and community by vaccinating as soon as feasible in accordance with public health guidelines and protocols in their area.  One should always consult with their doctor regarding any personal medical concerns.


  California Extends Eviction Moratorium Through June  
  In an effort to combat an increased housing crisis fueled by COVID-19, Governor Gavin Newsom and top lawmakers announced this week that they have agreed to extend California's eviction moratorium through June 30 of this year. The law protects from eviction those who could not pay their rent between March and August of last year because of the pandemic and those who are able to pay 25 percent of their rent.
The State also announced it will use federal stimulus money to pay up to 80 percent of back-owed rent for those that qualify.
"These critically needed federal funds, targeted to the most at-risk households with unpaid back rent, will help tenants stay afloat during and after this pandemic. Income-qualified tenants and their landlords can choose to receive direct rental assistance in exchange for forgiving prior rental debt," said Governor Gavin Newsom, Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins, and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon in a combined released statement.


  Verify Before Sharing 'News,' Pope Says in Communications Day Message  
In the age of instant communications and fake news, journalists -- like everyone else -- need to recover the practice of going out and verifying information before they share it, Pope Francis said.
"'Come and see' is the simplest method to get to know a situation. It is the most honest test of every message, because, in order to know, we need to encounter, to let the person in front of me speak, to let his or her testimony reach me," the pope wrote in his message for the Catholic Church's celebration of World Communications Day.
The message was released Jan. 23, the eve of the feast of St. Francis de Sales, patron saint of journalists. At the Vatican and in most countries, World Communications Day will be celebrated on May 16.


  World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life to Be Celebrated Feb. 2  
The Catholic Church will hold its annual celebration of the World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life on February 2, 2021, and in parishes over the weekend of February 6-7. This event is a special time for individual parishes and the greater Church to celebrate the gift of consecrated life and pray for men and women discerning a consecrated vocation. 

Instituted by St. Pope John Paul II in 1997, World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life is celebrated in conjunction with the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, also known as Candlemas Day, which commemorates through the blessing and lighting of candles that Christ is the light of the world.  So too, those in consecrated life are called to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples.


  Catholic Social Ministry Gathering  
  Every year, the USCCB hosts the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering (CSMG) in Washington D.C., bringing together hundreds of Catholics from around the country to advocate for pressing current domestic and global challenges affecting our most vulnerable brothers and sisters.
This year, due to the COVID-19 restrictions, CSMG is being held virtually for the first time ever, from February 6 - February 9, 2021. There will be workshops with policy experts and grassroots community leaders, resources from dozens of Catholic social ministry organizations, and virtual advocacy visits with elected officials, and much more. If you want to experience the transformative annual gathering for leaders in Catholic Social Ministry and advocacy, register here.


  RE Congress Virtual in 2021  
  This year's Religious Education Congress (RE Congress) will be going virtual February 18 - 21, allowing people from all over the world to continue to participate despite the ongoing pandemic.
This year's theme, Proclaim the Promise!, is a radical invitation to believe that God's promise sustains our lives and our world. Now more than ever, we need hope and a vision for our future. Click here to learn more.


January 29, 2021
Vol. 14 No. 4

California Catholic Conference

 En Español

"The word of God is the antidote to our fear of having to face life. In speaking to us, the Lord reminds us that we are in his heart, that we are precious in his eyes, and that he holds us in the palm of his hand.
 (Jan. 26)


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