Huge Victory: Legalization Bills Defeated in New Hampshire
This week, by a vote a 14-7, the New Hampshire House Criminal Justice & Public Safety Committee voted to "retain" two bills to expand marijuana use in the state, effectively ending any chance at either bill passing this year.
The move represents a multi-year trend of public health and safety advocates defeating the efforts of the marijuana industry to expand into the Granite State.
SAM Releases Drug Policy Recommendations for Biden Administration; Congratulates Regina LaBelle
The release of the report coincided with the swearing-in of former White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) Chief of Staff, Regina LaBelle, as Acting Director and Deputy Director of ONDCP. SAM commends this appointment.
California Upholds Judge's Ruling Banning Marijuana Billboards; SAM Rejoices
A California judge affirmed a recent ruling stating marijuana companies in the state will no longer be able to advertise their products on billboards along interstate highways.
With the new Congress getting under way, it's crucial that you take a moment to remind your representatives in Washington that legalizing the commercial sale of marijuana is a reckless ploy that will only benefit the marijuana industry and its investors from Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, and alcohol conglomerates.
Big Pot has spent millions of dollars on lobbyists who have written bills to help turn the industry into the next Big Tobacco, all at the expense of public health, safety, social justice, and common sense.
All this, while the country is reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic - which has already taken several hundred thousand American lives.
Write your Member of Congress now and urge them to oppose the expansion of Big Pot.
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Using Local Control to Push Back on the Marijuana Industry -- Part II
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo recently unveiled his proposed state budget, which featured a projection of $300 million in revenue from marijuana commercialization. Dr. Kevin Sabet, issued a statement urging lawmakers to focus instead on the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
A coalition of Virginia substance abuse prevention professionals, health and safety advocates, and representatives of state law enforcement hosted a virtual press conference announcing the launch of their combined opposition to an effort to commercialize marijuana in this year's legislative session.
| 1/19/21 VA Coalition Press Conference |
New Study Continues to Show Marijuana Users Display Withdrawal Symptoms
A study focusing on more than 500 "medical" marijuana users in Michigan who have received recommendations for marijuana due to issues with chronic pain found that these users experienced mild to severe symptoms of withdrawal in between uses of the drug.
The symptoms included "restlessness, depressed mood, aggression, irritability, anxiety, increased anger, shakiness, sleep difficulties, strange dreams, decreased appetite, nausea, sweating, headache, and stomach pain."
In his latest monthly column for Newsweek, SAM President Dr. Kevin Sabet lays out the roadmap of the way forward on drug policy for the Biden-Harris Administration. The piece explains that as the nation has just witnessed the worst year on record for drug overdose deaths, the new administration must have a solid plan on drug policy, and must listen to the evidence, not empty rhetoric.
As always, thank you for being a SAM supporter. If you can, please chip-in with a small donation by clicking here.
Smart Approaches to Marijuana