Building back stronger. RSVP for our next community conversation. Trending on CONNECT. Upcoming events. Weekly reads.
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** Building Back Stronger in 2021 and Beyond
Medtronic Foundation’s Liz Lund reflects on the many changes made to grantmaking strategies, policies, and processes over the past year; and the work ahead to incorporate lessons learned to build back in a more resilient and equitable way.
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** Meeting the Moment of a Democracy in Crisis
On February 24, join our community conversation to consider what actions we might take – as changemakers within philanthropy – to help the people of our nation participate in the process of truth, reconciliation, and healing, now and long-term.
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Join this week’s trending conversations:
* Community Foundations and Racial Justice ([link removed])
* Managing Matching Grants ([link removed])
* Crafting a Vision Statement ([link removed])
Help a colleague out by sharing your advice:
* Blockchain for Grant Payments ([link removed])
* Regranting Percentage for Intermediaries ([link removed])
* Off-cycle Grant Policies and Practices ([link removed])
Not yet in CONNECT? Join now. ([link removed])
** Upcoming
February 16
The Evolving Role of Grants Management (PEAK Rocky Mountain) ([link removed])
February 17
Innovation and the Power of Partnership with Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust ([link removed])
February 18
Monthly Coffee Hour (PEAK Pacific Northwest) ([link removed])
February 18
Lessons from the Field: Pursuing more equitable and just philanthropic systems (PEAK Minnesota) ([link removed])
February 24
Community Conversation | Meeting the Moment of a Democracy in Crisis ([link removed])
February 24
Coffee Power Hour: Adaptation (PEAK Southeast) ([link removed])
May 4-13
PEAK2021 Online ([link removed])
ALL EVENTS > ([link removed])
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** Celebrate 25 years of community with us! Support PEAK through a sponsorship.
In 2021, we have many plans in store for connecting, convening, sharing, and celebrating our community, and we'd love your support!
Explore the array of sponsorship opportunities in our 2021 Sponsor & Exhibitor Guide ([link removed]) – from PEAK2021 Online, to our 25th Anniversary programming, to organization support. Contact Clare Larson (mailto:
[email protected]?subject=PEAK%20Sponsorships) to learn more!
** Weekly Reads
"As a country, we have to go beyond simply accepting hard truths, to committing to healing and reconciliation. As James Baldwin said, 'Nothing can be changed until it is faced.'" [more] ([link removed])
– Erwin Acox Jr., Tides
"As we move into a space of transforming what has been into what will be, consider doing more than just issuing a statement. If you want to support Black-led nonprofits, focus on capacity building and infrastructure. Do the work to find the hidden gems doing good and not well in their communities. Transform your thinking." [more] ([link removed])
– Tiffany Turner-Allen, Nonprofit Prince George’s County, in Nonprofit Quarterly
"Brooklyn is home to the largest Black community in North America. Nearly 70 percent of the borough’s residents are non-white. For our staff at the Brooklyn Community Foundation, the events of the past year have revealed in the starkest terms that systemic racism is the greatest threat to the health and well-being of our communities. [...] We can’t stop asking: 'What more can we do?'" [more] ([link removed])
– Cecilia Clarke and Marcella Tillett, Brooklyn Community Foundation
"Did you know? Seventy-six percent of foundation staff identify as white, while only 4% of philanthropic capital gets invested in organizations led by Black and Latinx leaders." [more] ([link removed])
– Camelback Ventures, on Giving Compass
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