Tapped out—North Carolina’s irrational shutdown orders threaten bar owners’ livelihoods

Earlier this month, Gov. Roy Cooper appeared on national cable news touting how he closed North Carolina bars to fight the spread of COVID-19. The problem is most restaurants, breweries, and wineries in North Carolina are open—Cooper has singled out only one small class of bars that have remained closed, including PLF’s client, Club 519.

Jessica Thompson writes that this discriminatory treatment of private bars blatantly exceeds the governor’s executive powers.

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Wall Street Journal: Who Gets to Make the Rules? Washington May Finally Get It Right

President Biden’s team is understandably skeptical of “midnight” actions issued during President Trump’s final weeks, but one order, issued Jan. 18, is as valuable in reinforcing democratic accountability as it is constitutionally necessary.

Todd Gaziano and Angela Erickson tell us why reversing the Executive Order on Ensuring Democratic Accountability in Agency Rulemaking could be very costly and destabilizing, including in ways that aren’t obvious.

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Should the government be in the business of picking winners and losers?

This question is at the heart of a lawsuit recently filed by PLF, with assistance from the Pelican Center for Justice, against the Louisiana Department of Health over the state’s Facility Need Review requirement.

Pelican’s Sarah Harbison explains how this process protects existing businesses and prevents entrepreneurs like our client, Ursula Newell-Davis, from offering much-needed services to the state’s most vulnerable citizens.

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