
This week, I joined my Republican colleagues in signing a letter to urge House and Senate Leadership to preserve the Hyde Amendment and reaffirm our commitment to protect the unborn. Since 1980, this critically important Amendment has prevented taxpayer dollars from being used to pay for abortions.  

Millions of innocent lives have been spared. Millions of gifts from God born and able to contribute to the rich fabric of our nation.

But now, Joe Biden has joined the far-left in supporting an end to this bi-partisan consensus and demanding a radical, pro-abortion agenda be funded by taxpayers. To protect millions of more innocent lives, we must stand together to ensure their dangerous agenda is not enacted.

Today, countless Americans across our country are joining together for the March for Life Virtual Rally to show their support for protecting these precious, unborn lives. Will you join with me and add your name to our petition to urge our Leaders to protect the Hyde Amendment so innocent lives are spared?
Together we will continue to stand for THE RIGHT TO LIFE and stop this radical attempt to further the gruesome pro-abortion agenda. Our children are counting on us and I hope I can count on you.

Thank you,

Representative Beth Van Duyne
Paid for by Beth Van Duyne for Congress