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Gonzalez: "The GOP must not abandon economic nationalism but show how these policies protect all Americans' jobs and wages."

Back in November, Latino voters floored pundits, pollsters, and election observers with huge swings in their support in Texas border counties. As party operatives continue to analyze the data and form conclusions about the lessons, we want to magnify sound thinking that we hope they adopt.

In his op-ed "Trump Proved GOP Can Win Hispanics Without Embracing Amnesty," Pedro L. Gonzalez discusses how tightening immigration is one of the best ways to protect workers' jobs and wages, which has the upside of political popularity:

"It is simple economics that immigration depresses Americans' wages. When the labor force grows faster than job creation, competition for work increases - so employers can pay less to fill any open positions. Native-born Americans lose up to $118 billion each year to illegal immigrant labor, according to Harvard economist George Borjas. And they lose hundreds of billions more due to legal immigration and guestworker programs.

..Latinos were more likely to support a near-total suspension of immigration during the pandemic than white voters, according to a poll conducted earlier this year by the Washington Post and University of Maryland. Sixty-nine percent of Hispanics favored that suspension, compared to 67 percent of whites."

Worker-favoring policies like lower immigration have a broad appeal. It's important that they are not abandoned by the GOP going forward.

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