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Dear NCRC members and allies,

There is only one week left to submit your ideas for our upcoming Just Economy Sessions that will run from May 5-14, as part of NCRC’s Just Economy Conference. Don't be left out and submit your ideas today!
Submit your ideas here

In broad brushstrokes, we need your voice to talk about:

  • Wealth
  • Home
  • Equality
  • Community
  • Income
  • Health
  • Education
  • Autonomy
  • Justice
  • Democracy
  • Truth
Be sure to include a clear title and description, suggestions for a moderator and speakers, and a plan to engage a virtual audience. All speakers receive free entry into the full Just Economy Conference.

If you have ideas for potential session topics or would like to plan a panel or discussion around your interests and expertise, submit your ideas by Friday, February 5.

The Just Economy Conference is the national event for community, policy, government, business and foundation leaders working toward a just economy that not only promises but delivers to all Americans opportunities to build wealth and live well. Participants typically include a mix of cabinet secretaries, members of Congress, top-tier policy makers, racial and social justices leaders and field experts.
Submit a speaking proposal
For more information and to register, visit:

To discuss sponsorship opportunities, contact Sabrina Terry, [email protected].

Team NCRC 
The deadline to submit comments on the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) is February 16. If you would like to comment, NCRC's sample comment letters are on its #TreasureCRA page
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