We need more speech about the census. Housing affordability and zoning reform. Why French and British digital sales taxes are “marxist”.
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July 15, 2019
United States Census 2020 ([link removed] )
We Need More Speech about the Census ([link removed] )
Our freedom of speech does require that citizens take some responsibility for their beliefs and the reasons for them. Facebook should not protect us from our sloth.
- “We Need More Speech about the Census ([link removed] ) ,” by John Samples
Digital Taxes ([link removed] )
Why French and British Digital Sales Taxes Are “Marxist” ([link removed] )
European countries are devising new ways to tax giant tech firms. But their approach is arbitrary, distortive and damaging to innovation.
- “Why French and British Digital Sales Taxes Are “Marxist” ([link removed] ) ,” by Ryan Bourne
Rally ‘Round the Flag, Liberals ([link removed] )
The flag with 13 stars and 13 stripes represents the people who launched the first great national liberation movement to throw off their distant imperial overlords and did so with the argument that all men were created equal, endowed with the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
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Senators Manchin and Braun Are Attempting to Practice Medicine Without a License—And Fighting the Wrong War ([link removed] )
If the senators want to help solve the overdose crisis they can start by repealing the “Crack House” statutes.
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Housing Affordability and Zoning Reform ([link removed] )
To address affordable housing shortages, state and local governments can create a framework for developers to pay incumbent homeowners for the right to up-zone neighborhoods.
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