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Years in the Making

After several years of planning and months of recruitment and interviews, it was a true joy to help kick off the inaugural class of the Indiana Republican Diversity Leadership Series. This has been a long-gestating program that is now underway to grow our party and create meaningful relationships with communities that have not historically been aligned with our party. As we continue to win at every level of government in Indiana, it’s critical that our party attracts new members who are inspired by our message. I’m confident that The Indiana Republican Diversity Leadership Series will help us achieve even greater heights.

This week also brought the unwelcome but not surprising news that the new presidential administration will pursue a left-wing agenda. In his first few days in office, Joe Biden halted construction of the Keystone Pipeline and border wall. With a stroke of a pen, Biden killed over 10,000 union jobs, weakened our border security, and paved the way for higher gas prices. The president also approved taxpayer-funded abortions, higher insulin prices, and is banning fracking after saying he wouldn’t. We knew this was coming and it just reinforces that our work as Republicans doesn’t stop. Even though there is no election in Indiana this year, we’re laying the groundwork for our future success in 2022 and 2024.

It's clear from the opening days of the new administration that Republicans will need to remain united to fight back against the left-wing agenda. Our ideas are better and our track record is better and together we can put conservative leadership back in charge in Washington DC.

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

Building One Indiana for All

Governor Holcomb had lunch with the inaugural class of the Indiana Republican Diversity Leadership Series. It was a great discussion with the class as Governor Holcomb is continuing to build One Indiana for All!

--> Click here to find out more about the Indiana Republican Diversity Leadership Series <-- 

The legislative session is also well underway, which means the governor is working with legislators to advance his agenda. The governor has a robust agenda this year which includes passing an honestly balanced budget, paying down millions of dollars in long term debt, fighting for pregnancy accommodations for expecting mothers, investing more in education and making sure Indiana continues to safely emerge from the pandemic.

--> Click here to find out more about Governor Holcomb's 2021 Next Level Agenda <--

To stay up to date on the latest developments, make sure you're following Governor Holcomb on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram


Protecting the Sanctity of Life

Tax payer dollars should never be used to fund abortions, and Republican lawmakers are working hard to ensure safeguards such as the Hyde Amendment will never be repealed. As part of the Democrat party's further shift left, they have taken direct aim at destroying long-standing, bipartisan protections that prevent the federal government from using taxpayer dollars to support abortion procedures. That's why a group of 200 House GOP lawmakers, including ALL members of the Indiana Republican delegation, are vowing to protect the sanctity of life by protecting the Hyde Amendment!


Todd Young at the Diversity Series

The first Republican Diversity Leadership class not only heard from Chairman Kyle Hupfer and Governor Eric Holcomb, but they also got to hear from Senator Todd Young. The group discussed different issues, topics, and changes they'd like to see within the Republican Party. The group will continue to hear from different politicians throughout the year.


News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb names inspector general
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch helps launch 'Hoosier by Choice' campaign
Senator Todd Young recognizes Holocaust Remembrance Day
Senator Mike Braun thanks Indiana National Guard
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski thanks the troops that protected the capital
Congressman Jim Banks announces committee assignments for 117th congress
Congressman Jim Baird pledges to save Hyde
Congresswoman Victoria Spartz was selected to serve on the House Judiciary Committee
Congressman Greg Pence celebrates MLK day
Congressman Larry Bucshon met with Lincolnland Economic Development Corporation
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth thanks law enforcement

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